A member of the church, “I had to email you first thing today to - TopicsExpress


A member of the church, “I had to email you first thing today to tell you about my experiences over the Alpha weekend! The Worship was Amazing, the Prayers very Powerful and the Fellowship like a Family. On Saturday afternoon when we invited the Holy Spirit to come, I was apprehensive - not knowing quite what to expect! However my experience was very calming, quiet and gentle. I felt a warmth flowing up my left arm into my face which felt like it was glowing with heat and light! I felt compelled to kneel and let myself go, trusting that no harm would come - and just thank Jesus for what he has done in my life. On Sunday before lunch, we shared Communion and before even taking the Bread and Wine, I felt a powerful surge of emotion and when we called on The Spirit to come. I felt calm and confident that I would receive something special! This time, I felt cold and shivery then warmth flowing through me, then cold, then warmth continuing to come and go. Someone came to pray with me; she placed her hand over my heart and prophesised over me. What she told me was Incredible! The power and heat flowing through her hand into me was an experience I will always remember (BEAUTIFUL)”. We were then joined by someone else and we prayed for my husband. I have been struggling with him not understanding my faith, my love and passion for Jesus and my journey with Mariners. The answer was simple - just continue on my Journey and encourage him to join me; it is his free will if he does decide to follow this path or not. Whatever happens, I know I can trust that I will be supported, encouraged and carried by Jesus and the Mariners family. Thank you”.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 09:46:24 +0000

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