A nice slice of salmon and a veggie-filled salad with a dash of - TopicsExpress


A nice slice of salmon and a veggie-filled salad with a dash of olive oil may be just what the doctor ordered for middle age women. In fact, a brand new study suggests women who stick to a Mediterranean-type or similar diet in middle age will enjoy better physical and mental health as the years go by. Researchers reviewed dietary data from more than 10,000 women who were in their late 50s and early 60s at the time of the survey. Then, they checked back with them 15 years later to find out about their health. Those who followed a Mediterranean- or similar-type diet were healthier as they got older. The researchers found that women with healthier dietary patterns at midlife were more likely to survive past age 70 without major chronic disease or major physical or cognitive impairment. The key to the healthy eating is eating more plant foods, lean proteins and whole grains and eating less red and processed meats, processed foods in general,
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:20:11 +0000

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