A section of politicians allied to the CORD Coalition have until - TopicsExpress


A section of politicians allied to the CORD Coalition have until next Wednesday to share whatever information they have with the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission -EACC over the disputed 134 acre piece of land located in the leafy suburb of Karen. This follows their claim that the disputed land, was illegally acquired by high ranking government officials. The Commission has already written to the politicians in question, requesting them to furnish it with the finer details of their claim. President Uhuru Kenyatta has asked those making all manner of allegations regrading the land whose price has been put at 8 billion shillings, to let the process of justice take course. In a statement to newsrooms signed by State House spokesperson Manoa Esipisu, the President said the Karen land question was an issue before the Courts and should remain so. On Friday Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu said she read a sinister motive behind the sentiments by the CORD coalition, claiming it is a ploy to protect dubious land transactions carried out in the past. Following court orders secured by businessman Da Gama Rose who is laying claim to the land, the parcel is now under a 24 hour police surveillance, pending the determination of the case in court.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:43:17 +0000

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