A year ago, October last year one Tuesday morning, I trudged - TopicsExpress


A year ago, October last year one Tuesday morning, I trudged across the road from Spanner Junction towards the Accra Mall in an attempt to catch a taxi to the ECG Training school in Tema to start my day as usual.... Having managed to get my laptop, handbag and carrier bag full of training manuals and supplies together with my heavy self across the road, I dropped my load immediately on the pavement close enough to the road to stop a taxi..... My day was yet to begin and I was already too tired... I had stopped several empty taxis but surprisingly none of them bothered to look my way...I was stunned! After the fifth taxi, I was almost ready to scream....but just then....the little boy I had noticed peering at me from a few yards away approached me..... Im told they are from Chad.....(those little kids that look Arabian and would grab your clothing in an attempt to get you to reward them for just being able to hold on to you long enough to get you flustered enough to want to shake them off with a few pesewas in exchange for your freedom) ......and so he approached....and I posed, being extremely wary of him... oooo but he looked so harmless...and he had this unusual aura...there was something different about this boy.....couldnt have been more than 10 years old but his demeanour.... He came close enough and whispered taxi, no stop... no stop, Police... and then he added.. come..e..., I help you With this, he picked up my carrier bag heavy with supplies and took me a few yards towards the bus stop and stopped the first empty taxi for me... Whiles I negotiated with the driver, the boy had opened the back door and carefully put in the bag, picked my laptop and placed that as well beside the first, and almost as if in a well rehearsed choreography, he opened the front door for me to sit, which I did..... And then he stepped back, way back and watched as the taxi driver prepared to move....He continued to smile at me...the boy....BUT asked me for NOTHING! I asked the Driver to give me 2GHC which I handed to the boy in exchange for a smile and a Thank you..... .....I knew there was something different about this boy! ALL Chadian kids BEG ! even their mothers BEG for alms...why didnt this one BEG for anything? A few weeks ago, my friend Wole breezed into town and before he left we went buy the Woodin shop at the Accra Mall, and on our way out, a boy approached our taxi just before we hit the main road and handed us fliers for a fertility treatment center and stepped back.... a Chadian boy.... and Wole remarked...I am sure someone must have paid this boy to be doing this... and so I took a second look at.....ooOOOO the saaAAAME boOOOY from last year...I could never mistake those eyes! I would recognise him anywhere, anyday! ...and once again he didnt BEG for alms like the other Chadian kids. I told Wole I would want to adopt the boy if I had the means and if his parents would agree. ...and throughout the day I thought of the boy... On both occasions his demeanour was quite unlike any other and the fact that he never begged but always rendered a service instead, struck me hard! ...Latter in the evening, with thoughts of the boys unusual attitude still lingering, I sat in Church waiting for service to begin, and jotted down my prayer requests to lay on the altar as we had been instructed the previous evening... Suddenly...That still small voice whispered.... You get more attention by asking for nothing What...? ....Thoughts of a Chadian boy had filled my mind the whole day because unlike the others He asked for NOTHING, but on both occasions came to serve me instead.... Maybe...just Maybe.....Gods thoughts linger more on the the Christians that just focus on serving Him rather than asking always and endlessly .......... My Walk with God took a new direction that evening...I would court His attention more by asking for NOTHING, and rededicate my life to SERVICE. For God and Country and in the service of Humanity... Lessons from a Chadian Boy.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:48:02 +0000

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