ABOUT ANK- MANTRAS (A DETAILED CLARIFICATION) – PART-B: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C) ABOUT ANK-MANTRAS: Now it is a matter of thaught to judge that what are the ank-mantras. How they have power to defend a devotee in anti-time? Have they any base to achieve strength to act? Under which principles they are being forced to act in favour? Untill a devotee came to know the answers of all these query he can not up-date himself for the prayer through the ank-mantras and it also should be such. Why should any waste the time if there is no useful returns from any system of worship which is being exercised with full devotion. So in this respect we shall have a deep concentration first of all. 1. Ank mantras are being formed by placing the numbers of days or planets in an extra ordinary syestem as and where it is required to be placed so, according to their effect which they produces in turn. 2. In turn, each planet have a specification to add his power with the ahead and behind coming planet in subsequence. As such each planet completes a chain of security for the devotee and thus these ank mantras defend the person under their worship in anti-period. 3. As each planet is himself a successor to the first for resuming the power of ahead going planet so it becomes value added himself and resumes double strength to act and so on for the behind planet. 4. There are seven days, mainly seven planets, seven colours in original, seven seas, seven sur-tal of music, seven elements in body etc. in a specified fixed subsequence. These sevens are always active in a positive way say to do good for mankind but when their subsequence becomes disorder they all turns into negative or ill-effective. The effect for which we can easily realise are the effect of bad-music and physical illness. These bad all are owing to the disorderly subsequence system. Then it is clear that the priciple of specified fixed subsequence is the main factor to force the ank-mantras to act as significantly. During the mantra chantings the well-ordered vibration of sound also enhance the good effect of the mantras. D) FACULTY OF ANK-MANTRAS: Now it is a matter to discuss about the faculty of ank-mantras as to how these are much and more beneficial say not less than akshar-mantra and what are the other factors which prove the execellency of ank-mantras. 1. These are very simple and easy in chanting and none feels any type of mistake or obstacle in it’s pronunciation where sanskrit based akshar-mantras have such type of difficulties for the devotees. 2. There is no need for any type of pre and post mantra chanting rule formalities like as essential for akshar-mantras. Only close application of the mind and regularity is compulsory. 3. Ank-mantras are not under any type of curst, where the akshar mantras are so. Hence the question for recision of curse for these mantras does not arise, where for akshar mantras it is a very most essential part of mantra chanting. 4. Ank-mantras are equally beneficial for vegetarians and non-vegetarians devotees and there is no compulsion for to be a vegetarian. 5. For ank-mantra chantings there is a simple requisite for mala, seating mat, copper pot for water and a clean wooden chowki or patta and nothing extra except these items. These all indeed can be managed very easily and no heavy amount is required to spend for. 6. Ank-mantras if is being adopted for worship with faith and strict regularities it produces the desired effect within maximum seven weeks without fail. Such a short time less than two months is itself a matter of great surprise for the devotee person. It is not mere a gossipy but is absolutely truth. There is no need of witness as it can be self realised. 7. Whenever the akshar mantras become failure to produce the desired result to the devotee owing to some reasons lying in his/her horoscope, the ank-mantras ever serve the purpose of the devotee as these are governed by Sri Yamraj the God of Death, where the akshar mantras are governed by other Devtas which are known for giving the life say the GOD of Life.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 05:37:43 +0000

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