ABOUT: The SIGHTING of the ReNEWed MOON !!! This is being put - TopicsExpress


ABOUT: The SIGHTING of the ReNEWed MOON !!! This is being put together rather quickly, so I apologize that it is NOT a full length teaching and does NOT address EVERY issue or matter. In Matthew 24, we read: Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the TAUGHT ONES came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matt 24:3) There are three questions being asked here. He answers them in the words which follow. Many people THINK that we can NOT know when Messiah will return for PHYSICAL IsraEL to redeem and save her from her enemies and establish His Kingdom on earth. They base this on what Yeshua said here: “But of that DAY and HOUR NOBODY KNOWS, not even the messengers ( “angels” ) of heaven, but My Father only.” (Matt 24:36) Actually Yeshua in fact DID tell us EXACTLY when He will return. It is hidden in the Hebrew IDIOM used in His words. In ANCIENT DAYS during the TEMPLE PERIODS, the day: YOM TERUAH ( DAY of the SOUNDING / BLASTING ) { of the SHOFAR is understood } was known as: “The Day That Nobody Knows the DAY or the HOUR” Thus, Yeshua just told us that it will be at Yom TERUAH that the LAST SHOFAR will be SOUNDED announcing His COMING FORTH from HEAVEN, with the Set Apart Messengers ( “angels” ) of ELohim and the Set Apart Ones who are already saved, to redeem and save PHYSICAL IsraEL. So what does NOBODY KNOWS the DAY and the HOUR mean? We are expected and required to SEE the SLIVER of the ReNewed MOON for each month during the year, to determine the FIRST DAY of the Hebrew month. But for MONTH Seven, the MONTH for Yom Teruah, we are especially expected and required to SEE the SLIVER of the ReNewed MOON. We are to be watching, expecting, looking and waiting for it. We must go outside and LOOK UP … into the sky … towards the heavens … to see it. Now when these things begin to happen, LOOK UP and LIFT UP your HEADS, because your REDEMPTION draws near.” (Luke 21:28) Sometimes there are TWO WORDS in HEBREW which are both translated into English as the same word. For example, there are TWO WORDS for VIRGIN, NEIGHBOR, FRIEND and MOON, among these words. MOON ( yah-ray-ahch יָרֵחַ ) is the actual ROCK / SUBSTANCE that is the PHYSICAL MOON. MOON ( choh-desh חוֹדֶשׁ ) is the word used to teach the SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES of the KINGDOM of ELohim that He wants us to learn from WATCHING the PHASES of the MOON, including its waxing ( increasing ) and waning ( decreasing ) and the RENEWAL that happens every month. There are generally THREE MAIN WAYS that people use to determine a Hebrew calendar month. 1.) the HILLEL 2 RABBINICAL CALENDAR, developed in the 4th Century – which fixes a precise date, based on calculations and various man-made rules for customs and traditions. It is amazingly accurate { considering it was created so long ago and without the use of computers }, usually only ONE ( 1 ) DAY, or perhaps at most, TWO ( 2 ) DAYS, from the SIGHTING of the SLIVER of the ReNewed Moon. PHYSICAL Israel and the Jewish People worldwide have been using this calendar since that time. Modern Those involved with Messianic Jewish congregations generally follow this calendar as well, in order to associate with and identify with the rest of the Jewish People worldwide and locally to their areas. 2.) CONJUNCTION – there are generally THREE ( 3 ) DAYS between TWO ( Hebrew ) MONTHS when the Moon is HIDDEN. Thus CONJUNCTION and “HIDDEN MOON” mean the same thing. A CONJUNCTION of the MOON ( “LUNAR CONJUNCTION” ) occurs when the EARTH, MOON and SUN are in a straight line. A FULL MOON occurs when the SUN, EARTH and MOON are in a straight line. Some Hebrew Roots believers use the CONJUNCTION to determine the first day of a Hebrew calendar month. Without spending the time right now to get into a full length teaching, there are a couple of problems with this method right from the beginning. a.) There appears to be NOTHING in the TORAH that teaches or supports this. b.) There is ONE ( 1 ) passage in 1 Samuel 20 that may hint at this. c.) There appears to be NOTHING in the rest of the Hebrew PROPHETS that teaches or supports this. We need to have TWO ( 2 ) Witnesses to establish something. Since it appears that we do NOT, we can NOT use CONJUNCTION as a means to establish the first day of the Hebrew calendar month. 3.) SIGHTING the FIRST SLIVER of the ReNEWed MOON - The Hebrew word for the ReNEWed MOON ( and also used for MONTH is CHOH-DESH חוֹדֶשׁ It has the SAME THREE Letters as NEW / ReNEW ( CHAH-DAHSH חֲדָשׁ ), which is the very word use dto DESCRIBE the TORAH COVENANT of MARRIAGE ReNEWed ( Jer 31:31-34; Ezek 36:24-29; and other passages ) Just as a WOMAN goes through cycles every month on EARTH, so does the MOON go through cycles every month in the HEAVENS And so, the MOON ( choh-desh חוֹדֶשׁ ) is PORTRAIT to teach us about the BRIDE of MESIAH and the KINGDOM of ELohim. We have to LOOK to SEE the ReNEWal of the MOON ( choh-desh חוֹדֶשׁ ) every month. If we went by the CONJUNCTION / “HIDDEN MOON”, then how could we SEE that which is HIDDEN? Answer: We could not. In the PowerPoinT ( PPT ) Slides teaching: COUNTING the OMER: From First Fruits to Shavuot, it so happens that the information presented shows that the CONJUNCTION / “HIDDEN MOON” … CAN NOT work when COUNTING the OMER. If you wish to read this teaching, please send an OUTSIDE EMAIL to: [email protected] and a PDF of the teaching will be EMAILED to you. Next, since YOM TERUAH REQUIRES us to SEE the ReNewed MOON, then THIS APPOINTED TIME proves that we CAN NOT go by the CONJUNCTION / “HIDDEN MOON” – because we CAN NOT see a HIDDEN MOON! Next, given that YOM TERUAH was ( and still is ) called: “The Day That Nobody Knows the DAY or the HOUR” it again proves that we CAN NOT go by the CONJUNCTION / “HIDDEN MOON” – because we CAN KNOWN WHEN the MOON is HIDDEN for those THREE DAYS because we see that we DO NOT see it! ( I hope that did not confuse anybody. ) So in that case, since the MOON is HIDDEN, we KNOW what DAY / DAYS it is HIDDEN and that is contrary to: “The Day That Nobody Knows the DAY … or the HOUR” HOWEVER … with the CONJUNCTION / “HIDDEN MOON” – we CAN NOT KNOW the precise HOUR ( MOMENT ) that we see that it is HIDDEN, because it is simply HIDDEN. Please think about that for a moment. ( Again I hope that this did not confuse anybody. ) BUT … because we are expected and required to be LOOKING to see the SLIVER of the ReNEWed MOON ( CHOH-DESH חוֹדֶשׁ ), we DO NOT KNOW … WHICH DAY we will see it. Moreover, because we are expected and required to be LOOKING to see the SLIVER of the ReNEWed MOON ( CHOH-DESH חוֹדֶשׁ ), we DO NOT KNOW …WHICH HOUR ( MOMENT ) we will see it. This PARTICULAR YOM TERUAH, I myself expected that it would be seen in IsraEL on 09/24/14 ( wednes – day ) in the early evening ( Day 5 of the Shavuah per the Hebrew calendar ). But it WAS NOT SEEN. I had hoped that maybe we would still see it in the US later in our time zones. But it WAS NOT SEEN. At about 1am in the morning, now 09/25/14, and still Day 5 of the Shavuah, I began to question WHY we could not see it … despite there being some clouds in the sky. Then a friend showed me using an APP on his CELL PHONE – that the MOON was actually POSITIONED … are you ready for this??? The MOON was actually POSITIONED … BELOW the HORIZON. *** I had NEVER seen or heard of this PHENOMENON before in my life! *** Thus, the MOON was out there ( of course ), but our AWESOME CREATOR YaHuWAH יְהוָה ELohim אֱלֹהִים arranged by His own design and will, that He DID NOW allow us to SEE it! He is the ONE who is on CONTROL of the SUN, the MOON and the STARS. He sets them in order and He arranges their locations and the times. This morning, I spoke with TWO ( 2 ) FRIENDS in IsraEL who confirmed that the SLIVER of the ReNEWed MOON ( CHOH-DESH חוֹדֶשׁ ) WAS *** STILL *** NOT SEEN there! I am simply without words. I do NOT know what to say. But to our AWESOME CREATOR YaHuWAH יְהוָה ELohim אֱלֹהִים be the ESTEEM / GLORY. So we are still LOOKING, WAITING, EXPECTING and HOPING to see the SLIVER of the ReNEWed MOON ( CHOH-DESH חוֹדֶשׁ ) soon. It is my belief that YESHUA has chosen to sort of HIDE HIMSELF by HIDING the ReNEWed MOON ( CHOH-DESH חוֹדֶשׁ ) to teach us all something. What that something is … each one should pray and seek His face to find out. Until we see it / Him, let us keep WATCHING, LOOKING and WAITING … for Him to APPEAR. Even so, Come Master YESHUA! ************ Just to be clear, so that NO ONE mis-understands ... these 2 pictures in this post are NOT the SIGHTING of the ReNEWED MOON for this YOM TERUAH. The FIRST one just shows the WANING ( decreasing ) SLIVER of a MOON phase and the SECOND one shows the WAXING ( increasing ( SLIVER of a MOON phase. I included them here for two reasons: a.) having a picture in the post puts a SHARE LINK below the post b.) to help people understand WHAT is the SIGHTING of the SLIVER of a ReNEWED MOON. But just to be CLEAR: the ReNEWed MOON *** HAS NOT *** yet been sighted. ************ ============ One year ago, about this same time, just before Sukkot, I was not able to sleep one night ( ha ha -- that happens about 4 - 5 nights a week, every week ... so what is so unique there? ) ... and at about MID-NIGHT ( hmm, maybe something to that ( Exod 12:29 and Ruth 3:8 ) YESHUA spoke to me ONE HEBREW WORD. I then saw a picture of the SLIVER of the ReNEWed Moon. I was then given what I believe will fully explain the WHOLE THING and resolve most, if not all, the questions concerning CONJUNCTION ( HIDDEN MOON ) versus SIGHTING of the FIRST SLIVER. I hope to actually prepare and complete this very important teaching within the next few months. SHALOM and BLESSINGS.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 00:20:08 +0000

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