ACCEPTANCE SPEECH OF THE PDP GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE FOR THE 2015 ELECTIONS, SENATOR TESLIM KOLAWOLE FOLARIN Alhamdulilahi rabil alamin. My good people in PDP, your decision to elect me as your gubernatorial flag bearer at the 2015 governorship elections in our dear state, Oyo, is a great honour and privilege. I am humbled. I thank you all for this opportunity and support. I stand before you all today and declare that I will not betray the trust entrusted in me, neither will I disappoint you in anyway. My good people, primary election is an internal democracy which is the beginning of a process, it is indeed the first step in a journey of a thousand kilometers. The task before us is enormous, it is a journey in which we have put Allah before us for protection and mercies, He will crown our efforts with resounding success. Politicking has commenced. It is time to sell the lofty manifesto of our party PDP to the good people of Oyo state and assure them that it is only PDP that can put smiles on their faces. As good marketers and canvassers, you will be provoked in the course of campaign , you may be persecuted and you will be harassed, I enjoin you to remain calm in the face of all these. I want to assure you of my total commitment towards ensuring that our party wins the election. I want to thank immensely all members of the State’s Working Committee of our dear party, our chieftains, leaders, delegates and members. To my fellow contestants, I commend you, the victory is for us all. You have made the journey leading to this day a unique one in our State’s political history. The efforts of our various consultation exercises across the nooks and crannies of the State, re- energized our party and affirmed the submission that we are indeed the most popular political party in Oyo State. As permitted in any emerging democracy, we engaged ourselves in competitive but peaceful rivalry, which culminated in today’s election. Your acceptance of the democratic decision of our party faithfuls, who voted freely and resoundingly today mark you as genuine and true democrats. It is now time to put aside our personal interests and approach the imminent general elections with a united front and purpose. To act otherwise, would mean shying away from the cry of the citizens of our dear State and miss the opportunity to free them from the bondage of the current oppressive government, who have made life a living hell for them. It is a cry we cannot and must not ignore in our own interest and the interest of unborn generations. In due course, I will formally unfold our partys manifesto to the good people of Oyo state which contains programmes of action that will restore the lost glory of the state. Our policies will be sensitive to the needs of our people and driven by the interest of the masses. I lend our my hand of invitation and partnership to all who have left the party to return and lets collectively win the mandate of our people back. Conclusively, I accept this nomination with the deepest sense of gratitude and promise to leave no stone untouched in mobilizing our teeming supporters across the State in the next phase of this struggle, neither would I relent in my efforts to defend the interest of the people of Oyo State. I thank you all and may Allah be with us all
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 07:15:18 +0000

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