AGGIORNAMENTI Jessica ha postato questo stato, esprimendo la - TopicsExpress


AGGIORNAMENTI Jessica ha postato questo stato, esprimendo la sua versione dei fatti, e come in ogni lite, le versioni cambiano a seconda di chi parla. Ciò che dice Jessica è praticamente il contrario di quello che dice la SM. Non resta che aspettare ulteriori chiarimenti. Hello. This is Jessica. I was given a notice of departure from Girls Generation by the agency on September 29, and I cannot hide my shocked and upset heart about this, so Im here to reveal my position. I have always put Girls Generations activities before my business or personal life as a member of Girls Generation. However, despite my efforts for the team, I have been asked to leave the team by the agency. While I was planning my business that Ive had a lot of interest in since before, I had sufficiently consulted SM as well as the members about my preparation many times and asked for their understanding. Up until the beginning of August when I was launching BLANC, I had received agreement and permission from SM, and congratulations from the members as well. However, in early September, after only a month since the launching, the members suddenly changed their position and held a meeting, and told me to either quit my business or leave Girls Generation without any justifiable reason. I explained that I had already received permission from the agency, that I had never neglected Girls Generations activities, and that I could not suddenly halt my business due to my contract with my business partner after a month. Ultimately, I pleaded that it was unjust for me to have to make a choice. Becoming a Girls Generation member was the best thing in my life, and I had never thought about quitting. Shocked about this, I had met with the agency CEO on September 16 to convey my position, and once again confirmed their permission for carrying out my business. However, on September 29, I was given a one-sided notice asking me to leave Girls Generation. Due to this, I was also unable to attend the fan meeting in China on September 30, and I have also been excluded from following Girls Generation activities. I have received great pain and cannot hide my sadness that I was asked by the agency and fellow members, whom Ive spent 15 years with putting in all my passion and effort, to leave Girls Generation just because of the reason that Im starting a business. I also want to apologize for causing concern to all the fans. Please understand that this situation is not at all what I had wanted, and that Ive always treasured Girls Generation, and that I will continue to do so. Thank you for always supporting and loving me. Sincerely, Jessica Inoltre Tyler Kwon ha detto che il rumor riguardo il matrimonio è falso. Min~
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 07:53:43 +0000

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