AHOY sir SNS ,GURU MILEY LAKH LAKH SISHYA MILEY EK . --------------------------------------------------------------------- So goes the phrase in the gurukul of Niyamaka Namacharjya Srimad Baya Baba , to which I belong . The truth of this phrase is found in Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda . Had there not been a disciple like Vivekananda , Guru Ram krishna would not have been as phenomenal as Vivekananda made him . It is our age-old heritage and tradition , though presently extinct , marauded by the pacy racy opportunism of our times . Yet , it was so heartening to see one such ideal guru-sishya relationship in DD-URDU channel today ,commemorating the birthday of our former President of India , lt. Dr. K.R. Narayanan , as my friend and idol Mr. Satya Narayan Sahu , who had the opportunity of serving under the illustrious Narayanan as his O.S.D , was invited as the guest speaker to enlighten the audience on the ideals of Dr. Narayanan . Sir Sahu , often has said as to how profoundly he was influenced by Dr. Narayanan and that it was this company that saw the ultimate intellectual efflorescence of his friend . No wonder he is unique in his erudition , masterly conceptions of Gandhian thoughts as also of Binoba Bhave and Swami Vivekananda . His discourses are uncommonly outstanding, always invariably, because he keeps his mental shutters open to the new inputs that he continuously gathers and , here lies his genius , continuously assimilates those with his hitherto knowledge and makes it so refreshingly novel and interesting each time , that where ever he goes to speak on various subjects throughout India and abroad (like Japan) , the audience gets an indelible enlightenment . His gifted power of assimilation and holistic reconstruction of facts was evident in this TV programme as he delineated the ideas , beliefs and achievements of his guru , Dr. Narayanan . He started this 15-minute programme by referring to a proud testimonial that the scholar President had received from his Professor , Harold Laskis testimonial on him to Pt. Nehru wherein he had defined Dr. Narayanan as a man with wide social sympathy . Sir SNS stressed that his guru throughout his life had worked for the daridranarayans , the STs , the SCs , the women , the down trodden , the poor and the powerless . He also said that Dr. Narayanan was the first President who exercised his voting right , and also that , being a scholar , he always loved to operate as the working President of the country , citing the scope of the specific provisions of our Constitution believing in letter and the spirit of the oath the President takes to present ,defend and protect the Constitution . Then , he came up with the much-vaunted topic in current times - Dr. K.R. Narayanan s understanding and interpretation of secularism . And here he truly in his own genius way, immortalised Dr. K.R. Narayanan . By referring to the latters famous book , Secularism in a Religious Society , sir SNS narrated in his chaste Hindi -interspersed with urdu words of course - how it was difficult and challenging a task to protect the Nehruvian legacy of secularism in a religious society like India . According to my learned friend , Dr. Narayanan had a clearer and much wider conception of the word , secularism . Quoting the scholar-President , his erudite scholar-sishya emphasized that the concept of secularism connotes much beyond communal amity and peace ..... for struggle for secularism is a struggle for women rights , of caste equanimity , of class disparities . Personally as someone who has been trying to defend our secular ethos and foundation for ever vis-a-vis the arrogant onslaught of the communal forces , I find this concept as so refreshingly as fresh air in an open sky of the woods after having actively participated in a noisy bustling teen-aged birthday party . This is so revolutionising ,so emancipatory in effect . so pervasive too . It pre-empts the conspiratorial narrowing down of this core value system indispensable for the success of a democracy . Sir SNS did not stop at that . He said that the scholar-President held that this concept of secularism , though shaped by Nehru , was actually a legacy of our proud ancient heritage as succinctly expressed in sarva dharma sambhaba and testified that to the core heritage value of our proud culture , Dr. Narayanan has given a modern and wider content. Lastly , as I told earlier, sir SNS is a die-hard cultural synthesizer , with a compulsive tendency of bringing about a reconciliation among the flimsy controversies which choke the harmonious history-writing . Here , at the end , he succeeded in contributing to posterity the goldmine he unearthed in the living room of Dr. Narayanan . He told that as the O.S.D , as he once entered in to the living room of Dr. Narayanan , he had found three photos in the wall - one of Gandhi , another of Nehru and the third was that of Ambedkar . Making a highlight reference to the misconception that Gandhi- Nehru and Ambedkar were poles apart in their convictions , sir SNS made an apt clarification which his guru , Dr. K.R.Narayanan had impressed upon him that they represented the three vital and inseparable strands of Indias tryst with freedom from bondage . While Gandhi gave the moral tenor , Nehru gave the politico-economic dimension while Dr. Ambedkar gave the social context to the nation-in-the -making . AND THIS WAS CLINCHING THAT FOR THIS REASON THE PHOTOS OF THESE THREE PERSONALITIES ADORNED THE LIVING ROOM OF DR. NARAYANAN . ALL THESE IN 15 MINUTES , MY FRIEND TOLD WITH SUCH CLARITY OF THOUGHTS AND CHASTITY OF HINDI EXPRESSION , AM AMAZED , AT THE WAY HE REPAID HIS DEBT TO HIS GURU . One of my friends complained me why there is not a single poem in my timeline today, how could i tell him that as usual,I was so tranced and begauiled by my friend and idol sir SNS today . Ahoy SNS .
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 21:51:17 +0000

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