ALL COPS ARE BAD COPS UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE.... THIS IS THE EXACT STANCE THEY TAKE ON ALL CIVILLIANS WHEN THEY APPROACH YOU. My perspective goes a lil further mentally. I feel all caucasian cops are racist until proven otherewise. and should not be allowed to pull over and Black or Mexican or any other ethnicity other than caucasian, without a Cop of similar ethnicity on the scene. This is a newly developed state of mind, because of the frequency of unnecessary shootings. Of course I am far from a racist myself all people are the same to me , I fortunately was raised in a a extremely multiethnic environment and family. However reality is reality, never allow a cop to pull you over in a non public place. It is your right to keep driving until you feel the area you are being pulled over in, is safe. I strongly believe Caucasian cops have a predetermined mind set to shoot blacks and Mexicans. ( AS I MENTIONED, THEY ARE ALL RACIST TO ME UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE - COPS ARE TRAINED TO TREAT EVERYONE AS A POTENTIAL THREAT UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE) You should take a similar stance!!! The Law suit afterwards is to late. I rather be the one getting the law suit, INSTEAD OF GETTING SHOT! So my attitude is the cop is pulling me over with every intent to provoke me Into provoking him. I dont think all incidents are racist motivated, some maybe a result of percieved threat. My question is how do you determine if the law is trying to stop your right to record the events. Hmmmm! the sounds suspect to me. How many incidents have you heard of, involving a Black cop or a Mexican cop. Shooting a caucasian civillian just for reaching to get his drivers license or just because they felt threatened? Because no one talks back to the cops more than Caucasians. Therefore I am quite sure there are countless amount of situations involving a arrogant person with attitude and a Black or Mexican cop, that could have easily resulted in that person being killed if he were reacting the same as the Racist caucasian cops. I will put money on it that there a lots of racist Black and Mexican cops on the police force. But you dont hear of them shooting the belligerent lil caucasian kids they pull over, who by the way, dress in the same hoodies and sagging pants. Fact: Racisism is never going away!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:23:11 +0000

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