ALL NATIONS EVANGELISTIC WORLD OUTREACH (ANEW) (a.k.a.End – Time Global Soul Winners) Motto: Holiness The law Of His House – Ezekiel 43:12 BIBLE STUDIES TOPIC: THE FRUIT OF REPENTANCE TEXT: Matthew 3:8 FOUNDATION SCRIPTURES: Matthew 3:1-12, Luke 3:3-22 The fruits of repentance represents or means the transformed characters, behaviors or actions God expects from a truly repentant sinner. They truly show we have changed and turned to God for mercy and total support and direction. True repentance must produce a consistent and regular value- added Christian life that is characteristic of the weight of former lifestyles or sins; if this does not happen, then repentance is not genuine but mere remorse or fake demonstrations. Fruits of repentance means changed conducts/ effects of changed lifestyles or directions. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: 2 Corinthians 7:10-11, Acts 2:37-38 Repentance must lead to true all-round transformations. These transformations must include both spiritual and physical character changes and actions. These spiritual fruit are the nine fruit of the Holy Spirit of God given to the believer at the point of conversion/ repentance. Since it is the spirit of God that plays a major role in the conviction, conversion and the total salvation of the saved Christian believers. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Galatians 5:22-24, John 15:8 ACTION/FRUIT NUMBER ONE (1) AMENDMENT; we need to make up with people our sinful actions had offended. There is a compelling need to make up with both God and man after genuine repentance and right the wrongs we have done and try to heal the wounds of the offended. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Luke 15:18-21, 2 Samuel 12:13 ACTION/ FRUIT NUMBER TWO (2) RESTITUTION; It is biblically necessary under the leading, wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit, to make amendment, true repayment, support,or plea for forgiveness to the hurt and offended victims of our past sinful acts. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Exodus 22:1, Luke 19:8, Matthew 18:27 When we truly repent from our sins,God empowers us to bear fruits worthy of God’s standards and expectations.These fruits of repentance must be permanent, total and true. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Jeremiah 31:25-28, Luke 3:1-9. Luke 3:10-20, Acts 26:20 The fruits of repentance destroys the bridge to sin and makes true amends for wrongs/sins committed to others.Romans 13:21 ACTION/ FRUIT NUMBER THREE (3) UNITY (LOVE); True repentance must produce true brotherly/ Christian love and unity in the church of God. There must be no divisions and cliques, classes or racism when true repentance takes place in the church. Divine Love is a beautiful fruit of the Holy Spirit God wants us to produce after true repentance. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Psalm 133:1-3, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 ACTION/FRUIT NUMBER FOUR (4) GIVING; God expects the truly repentant christian believer to manifest the fruit of true giving. This involves our time, money, skills and our lives for the service of the Kingdom work. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Luke 18:18-23, Luke 19:1-10, Matthew 25:32-46 ACTION/ FRUIT NUMBER FIVE (5) HUMILITY; Humility is one compulsory fruits of repentance God expects the saved Christian believer to show/produce when he or she turns away from sin to God’s righteousness. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Galatians 5:22-23,Philippians 2;5-11;Matthew 18;1-6 ACTION/ FRUIT NUMBER SIX (6) FAITH/DEPENDENCE; God expects the repentant sinner to have absolute faith in Him and to depend wholly on His guidance, provisions and direction for growth and effectiveness in Christian Ministry/living. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Galatians 5:22-24, Hebrew 11:6, Psalm 121:1-2, Hebrews 12:2 ACTION/ FRUIT NUMBER SEVEN (7) HOLINESS; Holiness is the major fruit of repentance God demands from a repentant sinner. This is the fruit that eventually qualifies him for entrance into God’s everlasting life in Heaven. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Hebrew 12:14, Revelation 21:27, Ephesians 5:8-9, 2 Corinthians 7:1,Isaiah 52:11, 1 Peter 1:14-20, Matthew 5:48 ACTION/ FRUIT NUMBER EIGHT (8) OBEDIENCE; Obedience is yet another compulsory fruit of repentance God expects the repentant believer or sinner to produce after true repentance. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Philippians 2:5-11, Luke 6:46, John 14:15 ACTION/ FRUIT NUMBER NINE (9) FAITHFULNESS; Faithfulness is yet another compulsory fruit of repentance God expects the repentant believer or sinner to produce after true repentance. SCRIPTURAL SEARCH: Hebrews 11:6, Romans 10:17 PRAYER FOCUS: 1.Lord give me the grace to declare total hatred for sin. 2.Lord help my weaknesses and cause me to repent truly. 3.Help me Lord to produce fruits of true repentance. Prayer of Faith Heavenly Father, I realize I have been a sinner; I committed these sins in ignorance, but now I have heard your word, I believe your word of deliverance and life. Today, I confess my sins and promise never to go back to them. Come into my heart (life) and save me unto eternity. Take absolute control of my life and glorify your name in me. I confess Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Wash me with the Blood of Jesus, set me free and transfer my name from the book of death into the book of Life; with my heart I believe in your righteousness, and with my mouth I confess that I am saved by the blood of my Lord Jesus. Thank you for saving me in Jesus Mighty name- Amen. God bless, as you study and meditate on the revelation of God’s word. I wish you heaven at last. Pastor martins Okonkwo
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:32:37 +0000

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