AMERICAN CANDOMBLE CHURCH, GNOSTIC ORTHODOX RITE ORDER PROPER OF THE DIVINE OFFICE “Divine Office of Ordinances of the Dead” THE DIVINE GNOSTIC RITE OF ANCESTRAL RECONCILIATION A COLLECTION OF ARTICLES CONTAINED IN THE HOLY TEMPLE OF NZAMBI, GNOSTIC ORTHODOX MASONIC RITE, FREE BROCHURE OF MEMBERSHIP....................... Good Morning Brothers & Sisters........ This is Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro with some very good news!!!!! Our FREE Brochure of Membership is now ready to send to all interested individuals who have a desire to learn the magical tradition of American Quimbanda, Gnostic Orthodox Rite. Our FREE Brochure of Membership contains detailed information about our religious tradition and a collection of many interesting articles about how to perform powerful prayer rituals. To request a FREE Brochure of Membership send your request here to me on my facebook email or to my personal email address at, CarlosMontenegroBooks@gmail... Thank you and Have a Great Day.....SARAVA Sarava.....This is Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Galdiano Montenegro...Good Afternoon....The Divine Gnostic Rite of Ancestral Reconciliation is a formal ritual prayer that comes from the American Candomblé Church, Gnostic Orthodox Rite of the “ORDER PROPER OF THE DIVINE OFFICE” that is used by the initiated religious clergy of our Church to Reconcile the World of the Living with the World of the Dead. In the American Candomblé Church, Gnostic Orthodox Rite of the “ORDER PROPER OF THE DIVINE OFFICE”, invocation prayer rituals of the dead are collectively referred to as the “Divine Office of Ordinances of the Dead.” The “Divine Office of Ordinances of the Dead” is composed of the following; I. Holy Gnostic Liturgical Rites & Hours of the Office of the Dead, II. The Divine Gnostic Rite of Glory” (Ancestral Baptism), III. “The Divine Gnostic Rite of Celestial Coronation (Spiritual Séances/Sessions), IV. The Divine Gnostic Rite of Resurrection” (Funeral Rites), V. The Divine Gnostic Rite of Ancestral Reconciliation. The Divine Gnostic Rite of Ancestral Reconciliation is a formal ritual prayer of spiritual healing that is recited in front of your Ancestral Spiritual Altar. The spiritual goal of The Divine Gnostic Rite of Ancestral Reconciliation is “seven-fold”. I. To reconcile any spiritual issues and to heal any and all differences that exist between the living and the world of the dead (ancestors), II. To reconcile any spiritual issues and to heal any and all differences that exist between the dead (ancestors) and the world of the living, III. To spiritually cause into balance or spiritual alignment all living members from a particular family bloodline with their ancestors. IV. To spiritually cause into balance or spiritual alignment all deceased members from a particular family bloodline with their living members. V. To bring about spiritual communication between the world of the living with the world of the dead. VI. To bring about spiritual communication between the world of the world of the dead with the world of the living. VII. To spiritually cause into balance or spiritual alignment between the world of the living and the dead with the Gnostic Saints of the American Candomblé Church, Gnostic Orthodox Rite. In the religious traditions of the American Candomblé Church, Gnostic Orthodox Rite, the ancestor spirits are collectively known as “Eggun”. The ancestors are all those spirits from ones own family bloodline who have died, made it to Heaven and who are kneeling at the feet of God (Nzambi) in glory and light. In the religious philosophy of the American Candomblé Church, Gnostic Orthodox Rite it is believed that without securing the protection of ones own ancestors the individual would lose their way in this life and may not be able to accomplish all of the things promised to the individual before they made their spiritual journey to Earth. This principal spiritual philosophy of the religious clergy of the American Candomblé Church, Gnostic Orthodox Rite stems from the three fundamental beliefs that (1) those who have gone before have a continual and beneficent interest in the affairs of the living; and (2) the ancestors have a responsibility to compel the living to uphold the ethical standards of past generations which ultimately assures a place for the dead among the living; and (3) through “The Divine Gnostic Rite of Ancestral Reconciliation”, the ancestors keep the living spiritually aligned with our spiritual birth destiny. This spiritual philosophy and sacred religious theology of the American Candomblé Church, Gnostic Orthodox Rite reminds us that we are not individuals alone in this world, but part of a comprehensive and coherent legacy that ties billions of souls together, here in the “sacred marketplace”, and in the realm of ancestors which we call home. THE DIVINE GNOSTIC RITE OF ANCESTRAL RECONCILIATION AMERICAN CANDOMBLE CHURCH, GNOSTIC ORTHODOX RITE “ORDER PROPER OF THE DIVINE OFFICE” -RITUAL INSTRUCTIONS OF THE MORNING PRAYER TO NZAMBI- I. Perform the Middle Pillar Ritual of the American Candomble, Gnostic Orthodox Rite. II. Perform the Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda Cross of the American Candomble, Gnostic Orthodox Rite. III. Perform the Invoking Ritual of the Quimbanda Cross of the American Candomble, Gnostic Orthodox Rite. IV. Recite the complete conjuration of the The Divine Gnostic Rite of Ancestral Reconciliation. V. Closing Ritual V. Perform the Banishing Ritual of the Quimbanda Cross of the American Candomble, Gnostic Orthodox Rite. THE DIVINE GNOSTIC RITE OF ANCESTRAL RECONCILIATION AMERICAN CANDOMBLE CHURCH, GNOSTIC ORTHODOX RITE I. CONJURATION OF THE DIVINE LIGHT The High Priest begins THE DIVINE GNOSTIC RITE OF ANCESTRAL RECONCILIATION by reciting the “Conjuration of the Divine Light” in front of the altar of the Quimbanda Trinity. After reciting the Conjuration of the Divine Light, the High Priest will then begin lighting the sacred ritual candles. HIGH PRIEST: Children of Nzambi, by the power of the Divine Light of Nzambi, I cause this sacred ritual into being. As the flame of this candle burns and gives light in darkness, so may the Divine Light of Nzambi, give me light in darkness on this most sacred and holy of all days. SARAVA HIGH PRIEST: After the High Priest recites the “Conjuration of the Divine Light”, the sacred ritual candles should be lighted in the following order: Begin the ritual by first lighting the red altar pillar candle on the altar of the holy Quimbanda Trinity that represents Exu Maioral. Light the second candle of the color black on the altar of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity that represents Exu Rei. Lastly light the third candle of the color white on the altar of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity that represents Maria Padilla Reina. II. THE OPENING RITUAL INVOCATION HIGH PRIEST: Facing the East, the High Priest will kneel down on his left knee towards the altar and then stands up. Standing towards the East, the High Priest will then do and say the following: Using your right hand, make the sign of the Quimbanda Trinity Cross over your body. The Quimbanda Trinity sign of the Cross is made by touching the hand sequentially to the forehead, lower chest or navel area, and right shoulder, then left shoulder and then placing your hands together in a praying position and then kissing your right hand three times. This is how to say and do this: at the forehead, IN THE NAME OF NZAMBI; at the naval, IN THE NAME OF EXU MAIORAL; across to the right shoulder, IN THE NAME OF EXU REI; across to the right left shoulder, IN THE NAME OF MARIA PADILLA REINA; and finally to the center of your heart while placing your hands together in a praying position, SARAVA; afterwards kiss your hands three times. HIGH PRIEST: With both hands in an open position held out in front of him recites the following. Children of Nzambi, we gather here this morning on this most sacred and holy of all days to celebrate in glory and light, THE DIVINE PRAYER OF NZAMBI from the great cosmos to the Earth. Let all on Earth proclaim and rejoice from the darkest corners of the Great Abyss to the celestial light of the Great Heavens and the cosmos; Nzambi is the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth….Sarava HIGH PRIEST: Children of Nzambi, together let us proclaim and pray the profession of the American Candomble Church, Gnostic Orthodox Rite. HIGH PRIEST: III. THE AMERICAN QUIMBANDA CREED PRAYER We believe in Nzambi, the one true God, the Father, the Almighty, the maker of the great Heavens and the Earth, of all that is seen and unseen. We believe in Nzambi Ntoto, the God who touched and walked the Earth and became man. We believe in the Holy Quimbanda Trinity and the Seven Greater Quimbanda Kingdoms and the Seven Lesser Quimbanda Kingdoms who are the sacred light of Nzambi and give light to us. We believe that only through Nzambi all things were made and only through Nzambi all souls are saved. For all of us and for our salvation Nzambi came down from the great Heavens: by the power of the Holy Spirit, He was born and became man. For our sake, He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered, died, and was buried and his spirit descended into the Great Abyss and conquered darkness. On the third day He rose again in fulfillment of the Sacred and Holy Quimbanda Scriptures: He ascended into Heaven and is seated over the mysteries of the Universe. We believe that Nzambi will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his Quimbanda Kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit of Nzambi, the Quimbanda Trinity, the Seven Greater Quimbanda Kingdoms, the Seven Lesser Quimbanda Kingdoms and the ancestors who are kneeling at his feet in glory and light. We believe in the communion of our ancestors and the Divine intercession of the Holy Ones from the Seven Greater Quimbanda Kingdoms and the Seven Lesser Quimbanda Kingdoms. We believe that we were chosen by Nzambi to deliver the Divine Word to His children here on Earth and that His Kingdom will have no end. We believe that all men were created equal. We believe that we are a Holy Temple of Nzambi and that the Holy Spirit of Nzambi resides within each and every one of us. We believe that Nzambi bestowed upon mankind the gift of free will and freedom of choice to choose the direction of our sacred journey here on Earth. We believe that the Kingdom of Nzambi on Earth will have no end. We believe that through the Divine intercession of the Holy Ones of the Seven Greater Quimbanda Kingdoms and the Seven Lesser Quimbanda Kingdoms, Nzambi is worshiped and glorified. We believe that Nzambi has spoken through the Prophets of the American Quimbanda religious tradition. We believe in one, Gnostic Holy Temple of Nzambi. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of our failings. We believe that only through the Divine Sacrament of Baptism that we can reconnect and reconcile to the Holy Spirit of Nzambi through divine restoration. We believe in the resurrection of the living and the resurrection of the dead through the Divine Sacrament of Baptism. We believe in the sacred universal order of man and God through the restoration of the seven degrees of universal enlightenment which connect the spirit and soul of man to the divine universe. We believe that the mysteries of Nzambi are Universal and his sacred mysteries found throughout the great cosmos. We believe in the sacred principles of brotherhood, love and universal harmony and balance. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. SARAVA IV. RITUAL OF NZAMBI......... HIGH PRIEST: Nzambi, we summon the invisible powers that be to protect your children here on Earth this morning by placing a ring of celestial light around this circle so that our enemies known and unknown will not be able to see or hear this sacred ritual…Sarava V. THE CONJURATION OF THE DIVINE SWORD OF EXU The High Priest will then approach the altar of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity and pick up the Divine Sword of Exu using both of your hands and kiss it three times. The High Priest will then kneel down on his left knee in front of the altar of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity altar and hold the Divine Sword of Exu in both of your hands pointed towards the Heavens saying the following invocation prayer: HIGH PRIEST: Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which commands the Seven Quimbanda Kingdoms. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which illuminates the Heavens. Behold the Divine Sword of the Exu which commands and turns the Universe. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which unlocks and opens the doors of Heaven and Earth. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which reveals the secrets and the mysteries of the Universe. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which Knights the heads of Kings with the Divine Crown of Glory. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which gives light in darkness. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which turns the day into night. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which turns the night into day. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which has the power to blind our enemies. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which has the power to bind our enemies. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which has the power to conquer our enemies. Behold the great Divine Sword of Exu which has the power to triumph over our enemies. Behold the Divine Sword of Exu which has the power to destroy and deliver us from our enemies. I, N.N., a humble servant of Nzambi do invoke the powers of the Divine Sword of Exu to deliver me from all tragedy and from all of my enemies. O Mighty and powerful Divine Sword of Exu, my enemies are your enemies. O Mighty and powerful Divine Sword of Exu, your enemies are my enemies. Holy, Holy, Holy God of power and might, Heaven and Earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the Highest. Holy, Holy, Holy God of power and might, Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but your word will remain forever in the eternal light of the Quimbanda Trinity. By the power of the Lord of Heaven and the Divine Sword of Exu, I command this ritual into being…….Sarava VI. HIGH PRIEST & RELIGIOUS CLERGY: The High Priest then stands up and places the Divine Sword of Exu on the altar of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity. The sword will Stand up in front of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity altar and then approach the altar of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity and set the Divine Sword of Exu on it with the pointed end of the sword facing towards the High Priest and the Religious Clergy who are there present at the ritual. After placing the Divine Sword of Exu on the altar of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity, he will then holds out his hands towards the altar and recite the following conjuration: VII. HIGH PRIEST: O Lord God, Nzambi you are all powerful and all merciful, give and grant unto me thy grace, by blessing and consecrating this earth and this circle, which is here marked out with the most powerful and holy Cross of the Quimbanda Trinity. I conjure the most Holy Guardians of the Quimbanda Trinity, Exu Maioral, Exu Rei and Maria Padilla to bless and consecrate this holy circle. May Nzambi bless this place with all the virtues of Heaven, so that no obscene or unclean spirit may have the power to enter into this circle, or to annoy any person who is therein; though the Lord God Nzambi, who liveth eternally unto the ages of the ages. Sarava.. O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come unto thee. O Lord God Almighty, who has reigned before the beginning of the Ages, and who by thy infinite wisdom, hast created the Heavens, the Earth, and the sea, and all that in them is, all that is visible, and all that is invisible by a single word; I praise thee, I bless thee, I adore thee, I glorify thee, and I pray thee now at the present time to be merciful unto me. O God, the Father, all powerful and all merciful, who hast created all things, who knowest and conceivest them universally, and to whom nothing is hidden, nothing is impossible; I entreat thy grace for me and for thy servants, because thou seest and knowest well that we perform not this work to tempt thy strength and thy power as if in doubt thereof, but rather that we may know and understand the truth of all the hidden, I beseech thee to have the kindness to be favorable unto me; by thy splendour, thy magnificence, and thy holiness, and by thy holy, terrible, and ineffable name, at which the whole world doth tremble, and by the fear with which all creatures obey thee. Grant, O Lord, that we may become responsive unto thy grace, so that through it we may have a full confidence in and knowledge of thee, and that the spirits may discover themselves here in our presence, and that those which are gentle and peaceable may come unto us, so that they may be obedient unto thy commands, through thee, O most Holy Nzambi, whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and whose empire endureth unto the ages of the ages. Sarava VIII. THE SACRED CONJURATION OF THE DIVINE SWORD The High Priest will then pick up the sacred ritual bell from the altar of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity in his right hand and then begin ringing it as he recites the Sacred Conjuration of the Divine Sword of Exu. HIGH PRIEST: By the power of the Divine Sword of Exu, I do invoke the celestial mysteries of Heaven. O Mighty God, Nzambi who has created all things in the Heavens and the Earth, through your Divine power, By the divine celestial chain which binds the Heavens and the Earth, I invoke thee, O Mighty Nzambi. O Mighty God, Nzambi who has created all things in the Heavens and the Earth and has given unto me the wisdom of discernment to understand the good and the evil; through your Divine power, I do invoke the powers of the Divine Sword of Exu through thy sacred and Holy Names of praise. In the name of the Quimbanda Trinity and the Seven Holy Quimbanda Kingdoms. Sarava… By the supreme power of the Divine Right of Kings, I summon and invoke the sacred mysteries of the Great Divine Creator and the Divine Sword of Exu. PART IX THE SACRED CONJURATION OF THE HOLY QUIMBANDA TRINITY Recite the following conjuration prayer: Using your right hand, make the sign of the Quimbanda Trinity Cross over your body. The Quimbanda Trinity sign of the Cross is made by touching the hand sequentially to the forehead, lower chest or navel area, and right shoulder, then left shoulder and then placing your hands together in a praying position and then kissing your hands three times. This is how to say and do this: at the forehead, IN THE NAME OF NZAMBI; at the naval, IN THE NAME OF EXU MAIORAL; across to the right shoulder, IN THE NAME OF EXU REI; across to the right left shoulder, IN THE NAME OF MARIA PADILLA REINA; and finally to the center of your heart while placing your hands together in a praying position, SARAVA; afterwards kiss your hands three times. Say the following prayer: BEFORE ME STANDS THE ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL. BEHIND ME STANDS THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. ON MY RIGHT HAND, THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL AND ON MY LEFT HAND THE ARCHANGEL URIEL. FOR AROUND MY BODY PROTECTED BY THE DIVINE VIOLET LIGHT OF THE FLAMES OF THE QUIMBANDA TRINITY - SARAVA IN THE NAME OF NZAMBI, THE GOD OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH – SARAVA IN THE NAME OF EXU MAIORAL, I INVOKE THE SACRED AND DIVINE POWERS OF THE SEVEN ARCHANGELS WHO COMMAND THE 72 ASTRAL SPIRITS OF EXU TO HEAR AND GRANT MY REQUEST - SARAVA SACRED AND DIVINE POWERS OF THE SEVEN ARCHANGELS WHO COMMAND THE 72 ASTRAL SPIRITS OF EXU TO HEAR AND GRANT MY REQUEST - SARAVA IN THE NAME OF EXU MAIORAL, I INVOKE THE POWER AND DO SUMMON THEY MOST HOLY ARCHANGELS; ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL, ARCHANGEL GABRIEL, ARCHANGEL URIEL, ARCHANGEL ANAEL, ARCHANGEL ZERACHIEL, ARCHANGEL RAZIEL. IN THE NAME OF EXU MAIORAL, I INVOKE THY POWER AND DO SUMMON THEY MOST HOLY LEGIONS OF THE SACRED & HOLY SEVENTY-TWO; Exu Bael, Exu Agares, Exu Vassago, Exu Samigina, Exu Marbas, Exu Valefor, Exu Amon, Exu Barbatos, Exu Paimon, Exu Buer, Exu Gusion, Exu Sitri, Exu Beleth, Exu Leraje, Exu Eligos, Exu Zepar, Exu Botis, Exu Bathin, Exu Sallos, Exu Purson, Exu Marax, Exu Ipos, Exu Aim, Exu Naberius, Exu Glasya- Labolas, Exu Bune, Exu Ronove, Exu Berith, Exu Astaroth, Exu Forneus, Exu Foras, Exu Asmoday, Exu Gaap, Exu Furfur, Exu Marchosias, Exu Stolas, Exu Phenex, Exu Halphas, Exu Malphas, Exu Raum, Exu Focalor, Exu Vepar, Exu Sabnock, Exu Shax, Exu Vine, Exu Bifrons, Exu Uvall, Exu Haagenti, Exu Crocell, Exu Furcas, Exu Balam, Exu Alloces, Exu Camio, Exu Murmur, Exu Orobas, Exu Gremory, Exu Ose, Exu Amy, Exu Oriax, Exu Vapula, Exu Zagan, Exu Volac, Exu Andras, Exu Haures, Exu Andrealphus, Exu Cimejes, Exu Amdusias, Exu Belial, Exu Decarabia, Exu Seere, Exu Dantalion, and Exu Andromalius. IN THE NAME OF NZAMBI, THE GOD OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH – SARAVA. IN THE NAME OF EXU REI, I INVOKE THE SACRED AND DIVINE POWERS OF THE SEVEN QUIMBANDA KINGDOMS TO HEAR AND GRANT MY REQUEST - SARAVA SACRED AND DIVINE POWERS OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS HEAR AND GRANT MY REQUEST - SARAVA IN THE NAME OF EXU REI, I INVOKE THY POWER AND DO SUMMON THY MOST HOLY KINGS AND QUEENS OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS; Exu Rei Das Sete Encruzilhadas and Maria Padilla Reina Das Sete Encruzilhadas, Exu Rei Dos Sete Cruzeiros and Maria Padilla Reina Das Sete Cruzeiros, Exu Rei Das Sete Matas and Maria Padilla Reina Das Sete Matas, Exu Rei Das Sete Kalungas and Maria Padilla Reina Das Sete Kalungas, Exu Rei Das Sete Almas and Maria Padilla Reina Das Sete Almas, Exu Rei Das Sete Liras and Maria Padilla Reina Das Sete Liras and Exu Rei Das Sete Praias and Maria Padilla Reina Das Sete Praias. IN THE NAME OF EXU REI, I INVOKE THE POWER AND DO SUMMON THE LEGION OF THE NINE GUARDIANS OF EXU OF THY SACRED AND HOLY SEVEN LESSER QUIMBANDA KINGDOMS; Exu Tranca Ruas, Exu Sete Encruzilhadas, Exu Das Almas, Exu Marabo, Exu Tiriri, Exu Veludo, Exu Morcego, Exu Sete Gargalhadas and Exu Mirim. Exu Tranca Tudo, Exu Kirombo, Exu Sete Cruzeiros, Exu Mangueira, Exu Kaminaloa, Exu Sete Cruzes, Exu 7 Portas, Exu Meia Noite and Exu Kalunga. Exu Quebra Galho, Exu Das Sombras, Exu Das Matas, Exu Das Campinas, Exu Da Serra Negra, Exu Sete Pedras, Exu Sete Cobras, Exu Do Cheiro and Exu Arranca Toco. Exu Porteira, Exu Sete Tumbas, Exu Sete Catacumbas, Exu Da Brasa, Exu Caveira, Exu Kalunga Pequena, Exu Corcunda, Exu Sete Cova and Exu Capa Preta. Exu Sete Lombas, Exu Pemba, Exu Maraba, Exu Curado, Exu Nove Luzes, Exu 7 Montanhas, Exu Tata Caveira, Exu Gira Mundo and Exu 7 Poeiras. Exu Dos Infernos, Exu Dos Cabares , Exu Sete Liras, Exu Cigano, Exu Ze Pelintra, Exu Pagao, Exu Da Ganga, Exu Male and Exu Chama Dinheiro. Exu Dos Rios, Exu Das Cachoeiras, Exu Da Pedra Preta, Exu Marinheiro, Exu Do Lodo, Exu Mare, Exu Bahiano, Exu Dos Ventos and Exu Do Coco. IN THE NAME OF MARIA PADILLA REINA, I INVOKE THE POWER AND DO SUMMON THE LEGION OF THE NINE GUARDIANS OF EXU OF THY SACRED AND HOLY SEVEN LESSER QUIMBANDA KINGDOMS; Pomba Gira Tranca Ruas, Pomba Gira Sete Encruzilhadas, Pomba Gira Das Almas, Pomba Gira Marabo, Pomba Gira Tiriri, Pomba Gira Veludo, Pomba Gira Morcego, Pomba Gira Sete Gargalhadas and Pomba Gira Mirim. Pomba Gira Tranca Tudo, Pomba Gira Kirombo, Pomba Gira Sete Cruzeiros, Pomba Gira Mangueira, Pomba Gira Kaminaloa, Pomba Gira Sete Cruzes, Pomba Gira 7 Portas, Pomba Gira Meia Noite and Pomba Gira Kalunga. Pomba Gira Quebra Galho, Pomba Gira Das Sombras, Pomba Gira Das Matas, Pomba Gira Das Campinas, Pomba Gira Da Serra Negra, Pomba Gira Sete Pedras, Pomba Gira Sete Cobras, Pomba Gira Do Cheiro and Pomba Gira Arranca Toco. Pomba Gira Porteira, Pomba Gira Sete Tumbas, Pomba Gira Sete Catacumbas, Pomba Gira Da Brasa, Pomba Gira Caveira, Pomba Gira Kalunga Pequena, Pomba Gira Corcunda, Pomba Gira Sete Cova and Pomba Gira Capa Preta. Pomba Gira Sete Lombas, Pomba Gira Pemba, Pomba Gira Maraba, Pomba Gira Curado, Pomba Gira Nove Luzes, Pomba Gira 7 Montanhas, Pomba Gira Yaya Caveira, Pomba Gira Gira Mundo and Pomba Gira 7 Poeiras. Pomba Gira Dos Infernos, Pomba Gira Dos Cabares , Pomba Gira Sete Liras, Pomba Gira Cigano, Pomba Gira Ze Pelintra, Pomba Gira Pagao, Pomba Gira Da Ganga, Pomba Gira Male and Pomba Gira Chama Dinheiro. Pomba Gira Dos Rios, Pomba Gira Das Cachoeiras, Pomba Gira Da Pedra Preta, Pomba Gira Marinheiro, Pomba Gira Do Lodo, Pomba Gira Mare, Pomba Gira Bahiano, Pomba Gira Dos Ventos and Pomba Gira Do Coco. PART X THE DIVINE GNOSTIC RITE OF ANCESTRAL RECONCILIATION On this most sacred and glorious of all days, I, N.N. a humble servant of Nzambi invoke the sacred divine mystreries of the Ancestors.Sarava On this most sacred and glorious of all days, I, N.N. a humble servant of Nzambi by the divine right of kings unlock and open the celestial doors of the Temple of Solomon to thy nine glorious mysteries of Death, Ressurection and reconciliation of the world of the living and the dead ….. On this most sacred and glorious of all days, I, N.N. a humble servant of Nzambi do cause this sacred ritual of The Divine Ritual of Ancestral Reconciliation into being. Sarava As it is Above, So May it be Below. HIGH PRIEST: The Priest will then move and stand directly in front of the Ancestral spirit altar and then recite the following while lighting from left to right the nine white candles in the Quimbanda holder; On this most sacred and glorious of all days, I, N.N. a humble servant of Nzambi invoke the sacred nine divine mysteries of death, resurrection and reconciliation of the world of the living and the dead of thy Holy Kingdom of the Ancestors….Sarava On this most sacred and glorious of all days, I, N.N. a humble servant of Nzambi do summon the Holy Spirit of the Ancestors to descend upon this sacred ritual of “The Divine Rite of Ancestral Reconciliation and cause it into being and into perfect spiritual balance and harmony among the Seven Greater Quimbanda Kingdoms and the Seven Lesser Quimbanda Kingdoms………Sarava HIGH PRIEST: The Priest using a brass bell will then start ringing it as he beginnings reciting the list of known ancestors. After he has finished, then each individual will then recite out loud a known list of ancestors using the following conjuration. I, N.N. humble servant of Nzambi summon all of my ancestors, known and unknown who are kneeling at the feet of Nzambi in glory and light to come forth and to be present here at this sacred ceremony for all that is good and for all that is light, “The Divine Rite of Ancestral Reconciliation HIGH PRIEST: As each individual of religious clergy names each of the known ancestors from their bloodline out loud, the priest says the following words; IN GLORY IN LIGHT-SARAVA HIGH PRIEST: The religious clergy will then recite the following conjuration invocation prayer to together as a congregation. I offer light, and libation with respect and honor to all my ancestors, whos names I know and all the ones I dont know to uplift and liberate their souls, in the name and light of almighty God, Nzambi. For it is through the Love, the will, and power of Nzambi that all souls are saved. I offer prayer and protection by way of the divine creator for those ancestral souls that are in darkness, forgotten, or lost. Let the light I offer fade out the shadows of fear and guide them towards the arms of almighty God, Nzambi. I offer guidance to my ancestors by was of the Holy Quimbanda Trinity and protective spirits, who by the power and order of Nzambi, will assist them in their greater act of evolution. Let the light I offer be a beacon of hope, and serve as an escape and protective shield from the shadows of disparity. I offer love, compassion and comfort to those ancestral souls that are suffering and depressed. Let the light I offer lead them from the discord and misery of their souls to the sanctuary of Nzambi and the light and joys of Heavenly Bliss. I offer healing by way of the supreme being on all spiritual levels for those ancestors who were misguided, neglected, oppressed, pained, saddened, traumatized, and died tragically. Let the light I offer to their souls inspire clemency, liberation, faith, love, and harmony from this day onward. I offer forgiveness to the ancestral souls that want to repent sincerely for the errors of their ways in the realms of life and death. Let this light guide them to the truth, enlightenment, and righteousness of Nzambi, in addition, I forgive those ancestral souls who committed wrongs that upset their generational line. And I forgive those ancestors whos past sins Ive had to suffer as a result of their negativity, ignorance, fear, habits, and traits. Let the light I offer serve as a reminder for us in the living to acknowledge and learn from those who lived before us and to, by making better choices. In every way I forgive those ancestors who need it the most so that their souls will embrace, in positive gratification, a new and improved way of living in the spirit realm, and that those souls will elevate in peace, and awaken to eternal life, Nzambi has promised all of us. In the name of Nzambi, and the Holy Quimbanda Trinity, through their mercy and blessings, let today be the beginning of a continual healing process for all my ancestral guides, and release all blocked and negative genetic energy patterns within the generational line, steadily healing each family member including myself, day to day. As you the ancestors heal on the other side, we ask you to forgive us, as you have been forgiven, and help us heal with free-flowing positive progressive energy for the better well being for all concerned. In Nzambis name we pray and may the light, power, and peace of Nzambi be with us always. Sarava As it is above – So May it be below XII. RITUAL CLOSING.........
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 10:41:59 +0000

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