ANAMBRA 2013 GUBER: THE EMERGING EZEEMO PHENOMENON For keen followers of Anambra politics, the on-going tug of war sweeping across almost all parties in the state is never a strange phenomenon. Right from 2003 governorship poll, the struggle for power in that state has become Hobbesian in nature, with contending figures and parties sometimes engaging in blood curdling atrocities in the bid to grab power. Our Owerri Bureau Chief Chinedu OPARA x-rays the potentials of all the parties and comes up with a thesis that Mr. Godwin Ezeemo of Progressive Peoples Alliance, PPA is coasting home to victory. Many Anambrarians certainly have not forgotten the rumble in the jungle that characterized the 2003 election. Incumbent Dr. Chinweoke Mbadinuju wanted a second tenure even when it was crystal clear the godfathers of Anambra politics have closed the door of the PDP on his face. He pitched tent with All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP), and what followed was a grueling, tension soaked politicking that left the landscape soaked in uncertainty and anxiety. Unknown to the elephants fighting and tearing one another to shred, the grasses underneath were plotting their own war strategy. So, while Chief Chris Uba, the self-styled godfather bickered with Mbadinuju, the people longed for the underdog then, Mr. Peter Obi and his party APGA. With Ikemba Ojukwu on the coordinating seat of the party, the State electorate and indeed, Ndi Igbo, quickly flocked to it. In no time it had emerged an alternative platform capable of given PDP a run for its money. When the poll eventually held APGA candidate Mr. Peter Obi won the poll but was rigged out by the powers that be in Abuja. He headed to the court to retrieve his mandate and after a protracted legal tussle that dragged on for over two years he had his victory restored. In about one month time, the Anambra electorate would again head to the booths to elect a replacement for Gov. Obi whose eight year tenure has crept into its twilight. As the countdown continues analysts are of the opinion that clear indications have emerged that history maybe on the verge of being repeated in the State. First, as the attempted assassination of the spokesman of the PPA candidate, Godwin Ezeemo and kidnap of the guber candidate of NNDP shows those who want power by hook or crook are prepared to go to any length to grab power. Also, given the soaring image of the PPA candidate Mr. Godwin Ezeemo, Anambra State could be heading to the brink of another electoral upset come November 16, 2013. Those predicting this looming possibility no doubt have continued to draw attention to prevailing fight to finish atmosphere ravaging the perceived leading parties namely the PDP, APC and APGA. To them the exactitude of the 2003 scenario and the present hoopla can never be mere coincidence but rather designed by a powerful unseen force. Without doubt the changing fortunes of the political parties and their candidates are indicative of a changing political environment. Today, it is no longer in doubt that Nigerians, Anambra electorate inclusive are increasingly finding their voice in deciding who or, what party, should get their mandate in elections as the INEC strives to enthrone a credible electoral process. Encouraged by this new beginning which guarantee that their votes are no longer going to be consigned to the dustbin, the electorate now is poised to go for candidates and no more parties especially given the highly manipulated process that throw up candidates that fly the flag of dominant parties. So, rather than being a source of strength, big platforms owing to do or die struggle for their tickets and attendant manipulation assume pariah status in eye of the electorate thereby losing votes in general election. Take for instance the case of the APC. Before the September 2 2013, sham primaries purportedly organized by the clearly biased leaders of APC, the party looked good to stage a strong claim for the guber diadem. But, since pulling through that charade, it has lost its glamour and appeal. Consequently, its broom which held out hope of sweeping Anambra clean has become pallid, clogged and on the verge of breaking. A major sign of this imminent collapse is the recent pulling out of Senator Annie Okonkwo from the Ngige Campaign organization. Okonkwo and Gov. Rochas Okorocha were the arrowheads of the widely condemned primary that threw up Ngige as APC standard bearer. Following the fraudulent exercise Gov. Okorocha appointed Okonkwo the Campaign Director of Ngige campaign organization. Somehow, Ngige never liked the nomination but swallowed it as a condition for the N2.5 billion financial lifeline Okorocha offered him. The bubble has however burst. Few days ago in a move that jolted the APC camp at both National and State levels, Senator Okonkwo resigned both his chairmanship and membership of the outfit. In arriving at that decision which he described at tough, he cited Ngige’s breach of the agreements reached on how the campaign would be prosecuted. Widely seen as a strong pillar both morally and financially to Ngige’s aspiration to rule Anambra for a second time, pundits insist that his opting out has dealt a deadly blow to the former’s dreams. Weeks before Senator Okonkwo saw the light so to say, the duo of Prince Chuba Ikeagwu, Chairman of the defunct CPC and ANPP Chief Chukwuemeka Orijiakor had opened APC’s can of worms to the public. Both politicians together with their executive and membership had bid farewell to the party citing absolute lack of internal democracy as reasons for their dumping the party. Ikeagwu was visibly livid with the national leadership for breaching democratic procedures in the handling of the party primaries in the State. On his part, the former ANPP boss criticized the planning of the direct primaries saying that the exercise was deliberately planned to give room for manipulation by the preferred aspirant. Orijiakor insisted that the proper thing that should have been done was to make public list of party members at the wards ahead of the primary to help checkmate manipulation. The Anambra APC drama has completely switched off Nigerians who had, hitherto, nursed the hope that the merger party would prove a credible alternative to the PDP. They are now convinced that criticisms leveled at it by opponents that it is the same old wine that has only experienced skin change is true. In some South West States of Osun and Ekiti, the brazen show of power by the ruling APC against real and perceived opponents of governors of both states who are of the party for the 2014 guber in these States has further strengthened the position of Mr. Ezeemo, Ikeagwu, Orjiakor and others who have condemned in strong terms the lack of internal democracy in the party. In Ekiti State where Gov. Kayode Fayemi is gearing up for a second term, Hon. Opeyemi Bamidele of the same APC has narrowly escaped death many times simply because he dared to declare interest on the seat. In the nearby Osun State, attempts by youths of Osun State to stage a rally in support of Senator Iyiola Omisere were forcefully clamped down by security forces allegedly acting at the behest of the government. The ill-wind threatening to scatter the broom of APC is also dealing a deadly bow to the umbrella of PDP. For the PDP, the ill-wind is still very much alive in its camp. Analysts argue that signs that the party would implode in the State emerged long ago with the existence of parallel State executive structures. Arrayed against each other were the Ejike Oguebego Exco backed by the Uba dynasty under Senator Andy Uba and the Ken Emeakayi group backed by the National leadership of PDP. It, therefore, was little surprise to observers of the party when on August 24 both camps organized their own primaries to elect the party’s flag bearer. The outcome pitched the godfather Senator Andy Uba and godson Tony Nwoye in a war that soon found its way to the temple of justice. Andy Uba camp enjoyed a temporary relief when the Port Harcourt Federal High Court which has also transferred the matter to Akwa barred the PDP and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) from accepting the results of the party primary conducted by the Ken Emeakayi led faction that produced Tony Nwoye as its candidate. The trial judge Justice H.A. Nganjiwa also ordered that the result of the Ejike Oguegbego led executive which produced Uba be accepted pending the hearing and determination of the suit before the court. Nwoye’s woes soon got compounded when another court ordered that the INEC should accept the name of Nicholas Ukachukwu as the authentic flag bearer of the party. According to the court Nwoye’s credentials were questionable and therefore, Ukachukwu who came second in the election that produced him was declared the winner. True to the courts judgment, INEC recently published Ukachukwu’s name as PDP candidate during its public presentation of candidates for the November 16 election. Not surprisingly, this latest twist has deepened the crack in the fold of the party thereby casting thick shadows on the chances of the party. Of recent too there has been this strong speculation that President Goodluck Jonathan is disposed to using the election to compensate Gov. Obi for his unflinching loyalty to him. Gov. Obi has been a strong backer of President Jonathan right from the heady days of the ill-health of President Umaru Yar’adua. Since then, he has never wavered, nor faltered. The rosy affair got to a stage where the rumor became strong that Gov. Obi was plotting to kill APGA to create opportunity for him to decamp to PDP. He, however, debunked the allegation with a promise that any day he quit APGA he will bid bye to politics. Jonathan, it was reliably gathered felt the time was ripe for repaying him for his support thus the pact that he will support Obi to produce his successor. This firm promise it was scooped was the major reason behind Gov. Obi’s insistence that his successor must come from Anambra North Senatorial District. Against this backdrop, pundits insist that it would be easier for the camel to pass through the eye of the needle rather than PDP coasting home to victory. Besides, the recent indefinite adjournment of ruling on the matter brought by Nwoye against Ukachukwu is sending shockwaves down the spine of the party. Similarly, the ruling All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) is not spared of the canker-worm. Within the rank and file of APGA, there is palpable fear and tension that internal wrangling may scuttle the chance of the party to retain power in the State. Just recently the Uche Ekwunife campaign organization let the cat out of the bag when it issued a stern warning to the Director General of Willy Obiano campaign organization over statements credited to him. Obiano’s campaign Chief was reported to have claimed that all those that contested primary election with him have been settled. This claim irked the lawmaker and her team prompting a quick public rebuttal. Although all seem to be calm and working in the aftermath of that public spat, a school of thought still hold the view that it was one signal revealed the seething disquiet in the APGA. Of graver implication however, is the recent return to the courts by Dr. Chike Obidigbo. In the aftermath of Obiano’s emergence, Obidigbo had headed to the court to ask that he be declared the authentic choice of the party. He was however, persuaded to come to the negotiation table for an amicable resolution. However, recent events seem to suggest that the peace that was brokered had crashed. At least this is what the return to court of Obidigbo seems to indicate. But, this notwithstanding the party has continued its preparations by kicking off its campaign recently in Akwa. Yet, despite this outing the centre seems to be gradually giving way in the party brining to the front burner the possibility of the party losing out in the contest. While these parties continue to be buffeted on all sides by internal crisis whose end seem lost in the womb of time, the Progressive People Alliance (PPA) is cruising the calm waters. At the same time Godwin Ezeemo its flag bearer seems set to replicate the upset Obi posted in 2003 elections. Across the nooks and crannies of the State, the PPA candidate is already being tipped as the man who will repeat history of coming from a perceived weak platform to grab the ultimate prize. Indications that this is the looming possibility emerged in the wake of his exit from APC. Prior to the merging of the three parties, Ezeemo had been a staunch leader of the ACN and one of its major financial backbones. His willingness to give at all times quickly won him the loyalty of majority of the party faithful. In fact, sources confided in this reporter that he decided to throw his hat into the ring because of pressure mounted on him by members of the party who ostensibly were won over by his unparalleled philanthropic gestures. Over the years it seemed a bond of trust and confidence had evolved between them which made him (Ezeemo) to accept to run. Unfortunately, APC leadership derailed that wish necessitating his switch of party. Expectedly, the majority of the members of the defunct ACN and democratic elements in the APC decided to call it quits with the party. Of course, this mass desertion ensured that Ezeemo left with the soul of the party while leaving Ngige to make do with its lifeless carcass. While the party leadership at the national level fears him, those at Awka and majority of APC members love him. He also enjoys similar goodwill from the electorate of the State. Findings by this magazine revealed that the uncommon bond that exist between the Umuchu, Aguata born international businessman and his Anambra people came about through sheer hard work, patriotism, deep passion for human capital development and philanthropy. Statistics show that over 10,000 Anambra indigenes and other Nigerians are employed directly or indirectly by his numerous companies scattered in Nigeria, Europe, Africa and Asia. Investigation showed that Ezeemo actually endeared himself to the people of the State in May 2012, when his strong sense of patriotism drove him into single handed organizing a one week re-orientation conference for the entire South East at the Parktonia Hotels Akwa. Packaged in liaison with the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Anambra State Council, and tagged “Re-Discovering Lost Igbo Values”, the conference took a holistic look at the fast fading values of Anambra State, and the South East region. Explaining the rationale behind the conference, Mr. Ezeemo had said in his address “that the speed at which Anambra and indeed, South East was losing their identity, values and heritage has reached alarming proportions that required the total commitment of all to reverse. Unless, this task is given the urgency and attention it deserves, we may well wake up one day to find that the Igbo have gone extinct.” According to him, this looming doom is the direct consequence of our activities that make other sections of the country to regard Ndi Igbo as “money mongers, cheats, underdogs, pushovers, master election riggers and stooges that can be easily manipulated and swayed with wands of naira notes.” At the event all the resource persons majority of whom are seasoned academics in their paper presentations agreed wholly with Mr. Ezeemo on the emergency situation in the region and urgent need to find solutions to them. Prof. Benjamin Osisioma of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka summed up the lectures with his declaration that leadership is the key to addressing other nagging issues in the quest to rediscover Igbo core values. According to him “Anambra, nay South East needs a leadership that will mobilize our people to war on footing like before, and one that would provide employment for our teeming youths.” Since his declaration to run for the topmost seat in the state, sources told this magazine that he has introduced a fresh dimension of issues driven campaign. Consequently, many now see him as a fresh breath in the polity. So far this approach seems to be working wonders as Anambra people are joining the PPA in droves on daily basis. In a recent media parley, the PPA candidate disclosed that the major issue his administration would tackle is provision of power for economic growth and development. Anambra State he argued is not realizing its great industrial and agricultural potentials because of the worsened power situation in the State at the moment. Therefore, the State he said could achieve quantum leap in the areas of employment and poverty reduction through improved power supply. Toward actualizing this key policy, the PPA flag bearer has devoted substantial resources to developing a power roadmap that would help him actualize the task. Security has also formed a key campaign focus of the PPA and its candidate. To quote him on this issue the leading contender told the press conference he addressed in Lagos that “Security is the major problem that we have. It has brought about brain drain and capital flight from the state. Everybody is going away from the state because of the problem of security. I would tackle security head on by working towards creating employment.” Indeed, the mere mention of employment creation is seen by many as a sure bet promise because his antecedent in this area has become public knowledge for many years now. With business and companies scattered in different parts of the world such as London, US, China, Ghana and Nigeria, employing over 10,000 people directly and indirectly, Anambra people believe he would walk his talk in this area. All things being equal, many voters who spoke to this reporter opine that they are very comfortable with his core priorities of power, security, employment and infrastructure which they say hold the key to unlocking the latent potentials of Anambra people thereby setting the stage for its industrial revolution. Mr. Paul Eke, a businessman at the Timber Market Onitsha told this reporter that he will vote for Mr. Ezeemo because he has seen his practical commitment to giving Anambra people a means of livelihood. “What we want are concrete proofs that they are serious about our well being. Mr. Ezeemo has shown practical commitment for years now and I will vote for him” Eke told this magazine. Eke’s position is shared by millions of Anambra indigenes at home and in the Diaspora. The consensus is that he has all it takes to take the State to the next level. Investigations by Nigeria OrientNews magazine revealed that the Anambra electorates are looking his way because he is the cleanest amongst those jostling to occupy the Government House Anambra come January next year. At this stage of the election campaigns when mudslinging, accusations and counter accusations ranging from financial scams, to questionable wealth and even, strained family ties, it is very instructive that no such dart has been thrown overtly or veiled in his direction. Also, with change the pervading sentiment in the state many argue PPA and its candidate personify that needed change. Working in favour of the PPA candidate too is the total absence of internal crisis in his party. Beyond that it is also on record that PPA a dominant Igbo party has produced two governors in the South East. Former Governor Ikedi Ohakim of Imo state ran and won his elections on the platform of PPA. Present Abia state Governor T. A. Orji also won his seat on the party ticket. The party has also had strong showing in Anambra state where people like Hon Uche Ekwunife used the party platform to vie for the post of Governor. Analyst say this is a huge plus because the party unlike the others is availed the chance to market its programmes and policies to the electorate ahead of the election. Given the promises of the INEC to conduct fresh, fair and transparent governorship election, they believe that PPA stands the best chance to clinch the prize on the basis of the enormous work it has done in selling itself to the electorate.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:03:52 +0000

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