ARABS and ISRAEL - Conflict or - TopicsExpress


ARABS and ISRAEL - Conflict or Conciliation? ========================= LEARN FROM THE JEWS- ========================= The title of the book ARABS and ISRAEL - Conflict or Conciliation? Was a debate between the author of the book and Dr. E. Lottem in 1982. The topic of which was chosen by the Jews - more, detail in the next chapter HEADS I WIN - TAILS YOU LOSE! However, before reading on have a second look at the cover of the book - theres nothing contrived about it. The first, a Muslim woman has just retrieved her little David from the clutches of the Israeli soldiers. The second, a Jewish lad, perhaps the grandson of one who escaped the Nazi incinerators in Germany during the Holocaust. His mission in life - with the prophetic words written on his helmet - BORN TO KILL! The only thing missing is the Swastika on his armband. What irony - the persecuted has now become the persecutor! During one of my overseas flights and being restless as usual I had an insatiable hunger to read,browsing through all the English newspapers I could lay my hands on. Next came the magazines Time, Newsweek, etc.; until, as destiny would have it, I stumbled across a non-too-familiar magazine in which I read You deserve to know the facts about...... Jordan. I could not help but marvel at the ingenuity of our Jewish cousins. There is a lot we could learn from them. They are Gods guinea-pigs for mankind. Learn from their history, in the Quran and the Bible. Eschew their pride, their arrogance, their rebelliousness which lead them to their repeated bandages. Emulate their patience, their perseverance and their planning which brought Palestine under their control a second time . The purpose of the advertisement was to brain-wash the intractable Jews and the Zionist Christians, and perhaps some Palestinians, that Jordan is Palestine. A diversion of the worlds attention from the rape of Palestinian land by the Jews. The world must keep debating on this issue overlooking the plight of the victims of Jewish greed and ambitions - the people of Gaza and of the West Bank. The motive was ignoble but the planning was great! As the idea settled into my head the opportunity arose within days. For Allah is the Creator of opportunities. ========================= AWARD- WINNING PICTURE. ========================= I saw the following picture of Jewish oppression and repression in a local newspaper. My attention was riveted to the fearful expressions on the victims of Jewish brutality and cried, God! O God! How much longer must these people suffer? I do not cry easily, but the reality of the picture jolted my conscience, numbed my insensitivity and I broke down and wept. I knew then that anybody with an atom of compassion in his heart would feel the same or a little less. I was now more than enthusiastic to obtain the original of the photograph as the newspaper clipping was not good enough for reproduction. I went to the News Editor of the newspaper in question and obtained the original photo in black and white.Subsequently, I received a copy of the same in full colour which you now see below. The first step was taken, the rest followed as the day follows the night! WHOSOEVER STRIVES IN OUR WAY, WE OPEN UP PATHWAYS FOR THEM: FOR ALLAH IS WITH THOSE WHO ARE THE DOERS OF GOOD. Holy Quran 29:69 ======================= ESSAY COMPETITION. ======================= The initial challenge then was to get the photo published into the Zionist influenced Christian media, depicting their illegitimate off springs committing atrocities and ruthless brutalities against the hapless Palestinians, whose only crime is that they are of a different race and culture and that they would not disappear or disintegrate as the Jews so desperately desire. To publicize and highlight the plight of the oppressed Palestinian community from the ruthless policies of the survivors, and descendants of Hitlers Holocaust - the Jews of Israel, an essay competition was devised, offering cash prizes to the winners. The picture captioned FACE OF FEAR! is asking the entrants to supply alternative caption and an impression in their own words. Just stare into eyes of the little boy, study the terror filled face of the mother, and the gaping mouths of the fearful, awestruck, young Palestinian girls and you too cannot help but feel some of the fear. Subsequently this very picture came to hand in colour and is used on the centre page with the cry of the Austrian-German Jew - Leopold Weiss. A cry pointing a finger at the heart and soul of the Jewish nation . If the picture, read with the complaint does not move one to tears, then there is something wrong with our humanity noticeable only in sadists and perverts! ========================= JEWISH REACTION. ========================= The Zionists got the wind of our advertising campaign through their agents and sympathisers in the right places and succeeded in gagging a number of newspapers from publishing the fully paid advertisement. See reproduction of their success - PUBLISH IT OR NOT! The media which did publish the adverts created an unimaginable uproar from the Jews. A hue and cry was heard from the CHOSEN PEOPLE, labelling us as Anti-Zionists! Anti-Semites!See below Anti-Israel advert enrages S.A. Jews The Argus. Our see back Jewish cousins are most generous in conferring the shameful title of Anti-Semite on ========================= USA THE JEWISH BASTION ========================= This glaring, open American intervention against the Arabs proves that every time we go into battle with the Jews, we will not be fighting the Jews alone, but almighty America. What makes the Christian Americans love the Jews so much. What makes America so infatuated with the Jews? The reason is the JEWISH LOBBY in the USA. There are about six million Jews in America. A very cohesive, well-knit and organised community which knows how to use their money, their number sand their brain. No American can ever aspire to become the President of the United States without the tacit support of the Jews. An illustration from the Gulf News beautifully illustrates the point,and once in the position of power they turn into gun-toting RAMBO REAGANS! ========================== SECRET OF JEWISH POWER ========================== As far back as 1948, the late President - Harry Truman of the USA, inadvertently disclosed the secret of Jewish power in his country. It was soon after the Declaration of Independence of the state of Israel by Ben Gurion on Tel Aviv Radio on May 14, 1948 that the President of the mightiest nation on earth recognised the State of Israel. It is said that it only took him two minutes! Truman behaved like a young groom at his first wedding, with bated breath, with open mouth itching to cry, I do! to the question Do you take this woman (Israel) as your lawful wedded wife? Not only did Truman accept Israel as a bride but also as a son, and an heir! At a subsequent Press Conference a newspaperman asked Truman about his inordinate haste in recognizing the Jewish State. The reporter continued - We could have recognised Israel in due-time. What was all the hurry for? Do you not know that there are more than a hundred million Arabs there, who would be offended by us? Truman, true to tradition replied There are no Arabs in my constituency! =================== IN SHORT =================== IT WERE THE JEWS WHO HAVE VOTED ME INTO POWER! There are some six million Jews in America. To neutralise that we would have to get an equal number of Muslims into his constituency! ============================= HOW TO COUNTERACT THE JEWS ============================= One must, however realize that the United States will never allow any sizeable number of Muslims from anywhere in the world to enter its territory. Be it from Arabia, Nigeria, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Turkey. The last named Muslim country is so inseparable from the United States, that some sceptics say THAT WHEN AMERICA GETS A COLD,TURKEY SNEEZES! But all to no avail. However America will never allow that. Except for a handful of Muslim expatriates because of their brain-drain policy to enter the United States. How else can we get the 6 millions to counteract the JEWISH LOBBY? The answer is Convert 6 million Americans! Wallah! This is easier than what you think! allah subhanahu wa ta allah says DESPAIR NOT OF THE MERCY OF ALLAH....Holy Quran 39:53 ======================== USA NEEDS ISLAM ======================== The American people are very disgruntled with their known way of life their sodomites, their drunkards, their surplus women, their rapists and murderers - that they are-groping helplessly for a solution . It must be a yearly occurrence, though I read it only recently that three hundred thousand sodomites - they call them gays gathered in San Francisco on a pilgrimage led by fifty lesbians,on motor-cycles. As no American can become the president without Jewish support, so no American can become Mayor of New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco without the support of the gays of these respective cities! On the subject of the Sodomites and Catamites in the United States, even Jimmy Donnie Swaggart Ministries, the fallen tele-evangelist cried out America! God will judge you! If He does not judge you (meaning if God does not destroy you) He might have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah! (for their destruction.) They also have the problem of surplus women . Even if every man in America married, there would still be eight million women who will not be able to get husbands. The City of New York alone has one million more women than men, and of these one third of men are gays, and their problem is being compounded! Judge for yourself ! America has eleven million drunkards, which they call problem drinkers. ============================== A further forty-four million heavy drinkers, whom my friend, the aforementioned Christian preacher, considers them to be on the same level as the problem drinkers, it makes a staggering total of fifty-five million drunkards! Do you still wonder, why the poor American grabs at every straw? They have their Sun Meong Moons (the gentleman from Korea who claims to be the second coming of Christ), their Father Divine (the so-called American Negro who claimed to be God!) the Rev. Jim Jones (with his Suicide Cult), the Ku Klux Klan, the Hare Krishna Movement, and last but not least the Satan Worshipping Cult. Anything goes! The drowning nation clutching at straws! ======================== MUSLIMS NEED THE USA ======================== ISLAM is the answer to the problems of America as well as the solution to the problems in Palestine. Who will do the job? The expatriates from Egypt, Arabia,Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia? In fact from the Muslim world, as a whole are an emasculated people. The American Green Ticket (right to citizenship) has seen to that! They are suffering from a host of inferiority complexes. They dare not say or do anything that might militate against their enjoyment of their new found heaven flowing with milk and honey. The best suited people for the task of Islamizing America are the Afro-American Muslims. Three hundred years of slavery and hammering has turned them into one of the most militant Muslim communities in the world. Arm him! Help him to Islamize America before Armageddon over takes America and Israel. To my Muslim brethren from the East, Middle-East and Far East I say, Dont be jealous Dont be envious like the Jews, who still could not get reconciled to Allah choosing their Arab cousins for His message. Allah has now chosen the B-L-A-C-K-M-A-N (I mean no insult, I am black myself) for this noble task of changing the West. It is all according to His Law: AND IF YE TURN BACK (From your duties and responsibilities) HE (Allah)WILL SUBSTITUTE IN YOUR PLACE ANOTHER PEOPLE: THEN THEY WILL NOT BE LIKE YOU! (Holy Quran 47:38) The whole exercise of getting the six million in America to counteract the Jewish Lobby will be cheaper than the price of an AWAC or a Fighter Plane, and well-pleasing to Allah and His Messenger Muhammed (p.b.u.h.): and all this without the shedding of blood. Israel survives today aided and abetted by the United States, and the violence continues unabated. Christians and Jews must awaken and recognise the rights of Islam and the Palestinians. The revival of religion, the Intifadah, and the refusal by Israel to share Palestine is nothing but a commitment to political suicide. All attempts to liberate Palestine so far have failed. The answer to peace and prosperity lies in hearkening to the call of the last and final revelation to mankind-: ======================= O CHILDREN OF ISRAEL! CALL TO MIND THE (SPECIAL) FAVOUR WHICH I BESTOWED UPON YOU, AND FULFIL YOUR COVENANT WITH ME AS I FULFIL MY COVENANT WITH YOU, AND FEAR NONE BUT ME. (Holy Quran 2:40) Palestine is there for the taking for those who with faith and humility fulfil their Covenant with God. In the words of Leopold Weiss -: IT BELONGS TO ALL WHO MENTALLY APPROACH IT WITH A HUMILITY BORN OF FAITH IN THE ONE GOD, AND PARTICULARLY TO THOSE WHO, IN THE WORDS OF THE QURAN: BELIEVE IN ALL HIS MESSENGERS MAKING NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN ANY OF THEM. Thus it is they who will inherit the Earth and achieve felicitation and success in this world and the hereafter =========================
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 21:09:36 +0000

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