ARE WE STILL AMERICANS? LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE? We have now seen that our State Representatives and Senators are NOT going to stop what is going on in this country. We know we have to clean house and vote them ALL out this November. BUT, what about our State Governors? Why aren’t they stepping up to the plate? Their hands are not clean in this mess either. They are allowing the Feds to house illegal aliens in their states. They are allowing Obama Care to be mandated in their states. Didn’t they take an oath to protect their states citizens? They have the power and sworn obligation to stop this mess too. They can refuse to allow undocumented immigrants (TRANSLATED INTO AMERICAN ENGLISH illegal aliens) to be housed in their state. Deny them state identification. Deny all forms of public assistance. They could actually go one step further and authorize the state police to arrest them and ship them to the nearest federal facility. It’s a federal problem, let them deal with it. Our City Mayors are in the same situation. PROTECT YOUR CITIZENS!!!!! REFUSE TO ALLOW THIS FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION TO KILL THIS COUNTRY!!! People it’s NOT rocket science here. This should not be OUR fight. We have elected officials that have sworn to protected us. They need to do their job at every level of Government. Think about it for a minute. What would happen if every city government said NO, NOT HERE? They cannot just keep pointing fingers. This mess is getting so far out of hand. CITY, COUNTY, STATE and FEDERAL government are all in a position to stop this. Right now there are riots in Missouri over a cop killing an unarmed person. THERE SHOULD BE RIOTS ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT IS KILLING OUR COUNTRY. And it’s not just the border problems, that is just the tip of the iceberg. They are going to kill OUR country. I challenge ANYONE to tell me that Obama is not deliberately trying to destroy us. Look at the big picture for a minute. Forget political parties, ethnic backgrounds, and all the other things that divide us. He is opening our borders which allow countless people to come into our country. Do you think that they are all just looking for the American dream? He is bringing incurable highly contagious diseases into this country. He is trying to disarm us. He is shrinking our military in a time when we have more enemies than ever before. He is violating Federal laws at a record pace. He signs executive orders that he has no power to sign. And the list goes on and on and on. What are we doing? NOTHING!!!!! Who is doing something? NO ONE!!!!! It has to stop somewhere. WE HAVE TO STOP THIS MESS. NO MORE PLAYING BY THE RULES. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, AND SHE NEEDS OUR HELP!!! No more passing the buck people. The time has come to either STAND UP or LAY DOWN. It’s YOUR decision!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 16:59:13 +0000

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