ARE YOU FISHING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BOAT? This morning the - TopicsExpress


ARE YOU FISHING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BOAT? This morning the Lord draws my attention to John Chapter 21. Its days after the crucifixion and resurrection. The disciples led by Simon Peter have seen the resurrected Jesus but dont know where He is, at that moment, and in despair decide to go fishing. This challenges me, because Jesus had called the very same Peter away from fishing, promising to make Him a “fisher of men” ( Matt 4:19), but here, probably afraid, doubting and confused after the traumatic events of the last week or so, Peter and the others decides to go back to the place they were comfortable and safe in - their old jobs as fishermen. Have I done that? When things have not gone my way, when the struggles of life have become too much, barriers and obstacles have appeared to the fulfilment of God’s words in my life, have I given up and returned to the things I can see and touch which seem more real than the promises of God. Have I ignored the description of Faith given in Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. The disciples fish all night, in the very abundant sea of Galilee and catch nothing! I imagine their frustration at this point, not only have they ‘lost’ their leader but now even their fishing is fruitless. The day breaks and Jesus calls out to them, we are told…” Jesus stood on the beach , yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus” (v4). The word ‘know’ here is its original language translates to ‘perceive’ - they did not perceive, did not understand, recognise it was the Lord. Sometimes its hard to hear, see or perceive the Lord calling out to us when we are locked on a sea of doubt, despair, disobedience and disbelief. I have been there. His call may come through others, prophetic words, praise,prayer, through scripture, through visons and dreams but we fail to “know’ him because we are too fixated on our failures, on what is not working!!! Yet in His amazing grace, despite our disobedience He meets us, he stands at that sea and call us out to us - Friend are you ok?. Wow- what love!! Jesus tells them to cast their fish on the ‘right-hand side of the boat’ and suddenly in what seems like a matter of minutes their nets are so full they cant pull them in!! So what do I learn from this? I learn that it doesnt matter how bad things look, true faith is about holding on knowing that this scripture in Isaiah 55:11 is true “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it”. . If He has spoken it over my life, over your life, it will happen!! I know that I must pray to be blessed with a spirit of discernment and wisdom to discern between good and evil so I know His voice when He calls to me. This means I must practice listening to Him, constantly in prayer, praise and faith (See Hebrews 5:14) I know that Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors; For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep(Psalm127:1)). When I am doing His will, when I am casting my net on the ‘right-side’ of the boat, then my harvest will be abundant. If my labours appear to be in vain, I need to go back and listen for His voice and follow His instructions. I need to get on my knees, stop complaining, doubting and start listening!!! I need to check my motivation and ask Where does he want me to cast my net? Finally I need to learn to wait...weeping may last through the night but Joy WILL come in the morning (Psalm 30:5). Wait on the Lord (Psalm 27:14) So dear friend, I’m listening for His call and instructions ….are you? Be amazingly and abundantly blessed in all you do today and all days. Please like, comment or share and for if you would like more please like my page - His Love Within. Blessings.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 07:51:46 +0000

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