AS PEZAS PAISAXE (LANDSCAPE PLAYS) de GERTRUDE STEIN - [A arte da DRAMATURXIA 11] Velaquí a dramaturxia revolucionaria de GERTRUDE STEIN na que a estrutura da obra non adopta nin unha forma linear narrativo-fabular, nin unha forma xeométrica centrada, senón a disposición dunha paisaxe. Esta composición dramatúrxica pictórica descentrada e desxerarquizada influiu notablemente na dramaturxia posdramática de Heiner Müller, por exemplo, e foi unha das principais influencias na concepción dramatúrxica de ROBERT WILSON e o seu theatre of images. Velaquí o comezo dunha das miñas pezas preferidas: BYRON A PLAY BYRON A PLAY (1933) by Gertrude Stein But Which They Say Byron A Play Act I Byron Yes Byron Act II Will she need me if they go too. Act I and II I think so. Byron came himself to ask if he were not satisfied but believe me. Act I Byron is a queen Act II Indeed but two Act III It may do well not to be tall at all if not at most and so in Byron there are no changes which makes it do and now a theatre is a place. It arranges itself as a purse at most or a rest. At rest. Act I Byron may be as soon begun. And nobody knows a name. Act I Should Byron be any one and which rich. Act I Byron being refused nourishment. He may not be angry not sorrowful and not pale. They neither seize one. Act I I wish I was fish with a great big tail a lobster or a whale. They know there is no need of names. Byron is cautious when he sees three. Act I Better Byron Scene I I have lost Byron in a play of worms. Or would he be just as he liked. I never think why they welcome dogs nor does Byron in soliloquy. I should just or rather prefer. Suppose you think in plays or suppose you do not. Suppose you do not at all think in plays. But if why they went. Oh yes if not. Act I No one not any one not if any one knew any one which is the same thing or not but which in weighing made five pounds more not less or they or not any one or may be not if they guess yes. And so Byron vanishes. Not at all. It is not meant which they imply or find why. Act I Byron John Byron or John or Henry or Irving or General or William Byron was much at last he knew what he said. If any one alone made it say here I am when I am not led away. Byron believe not believe what is made just as well as not in time repeat not in repeat in time. They watch me as they watch this. There we are as they watch this. Act I He came again to have been run run is not ran or rain or not begun which is why they mount in amount. They can be thought always to be ready with either of which they refuse wish for relish. Act I Be which. This is how he sees any or which one. I knew I did not like it as they grew particularly not only which is which for or by you. Not made a name a claim a made a be a claim a need of a needle of a name. How do hats grow. Act I Remember Byron. https://youtube/watch?v=FJEIAGULmPQ
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:10:07 +0000

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