ATTENTION EVERYONE PLEASE READ before i talk about what i really - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION EVERYONE PLEASE READ before i talk about what i really came to say IF i offer you help i dont want nuttin in return its up to you to accept my help i can go on and help people who wants help and appreciates it but any way You know for the last several weeks months i see on FACEBOOK that Alot of People COMPLAIN COMPLAIN COMPLAIN but the NEVER STOP and THINK JESUS I THANK YOU for what I Do HAVE you know there is people out there who dont have what we have there is people out there who want to work but cant work because they dont have legs feet arms hands etc just think if that were you there is people complaining about JOBS this is my FAVORITE how many JOBS has GOD given you and u just get mad and quit or say im tired of working how long are you going to keep the job for if it was given to you are you going to be thankful for it nope you know i hear alot of people say he/she pissed me off the reason i quit or forget it dont let them make you made just do your work and be done you know i had this gurl in mind on here that i wanted to be with she liked me i liked her well undoubtfully god didnt want us together and i thank him for that cuz now i sit back and look all she does is COMPLAIN and always talking about whooping up on sumone one if it come down to the fight she would run i know because of how she runs her mouth but this isnt mainly about her i see alot of people complaining relationship problems i quote im done with relationships thats for the birds or im done with relationships think back what did u do to make it go wrong was i not given enough attention to him/her am i on my phone too much stop and think about why what caused the break up and to NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER THAT PERSON just might be that one for You i was on this gurls page the other day and this guy had freckles bad and wore glasses and he tried talking to this gurl and she dissed him this guy got alot of money i know money isnt everything this guy he is a real cool guy but just because he look like a nerd as she said she didnt want him talking to her well i have you know he was a good guy he would have gave u anything u wanted and i know for a fact he would have been better than anyone u have been with since i known you which u only been thru 5 or 6 relationships in the last two years i known u but im glad u did turn him down cuz u been with every tom dick and harry in the country glad he didnt have to catch any stds buddy keep yo head u god will send you one please no comments on who these people are i wont mention no names i dont start drama but u know people has also got greedy these days you give them sumn and they want more why cant you be like the philipinos go look at the coca cola video on my page and look how thankful they are just warms my heart but i could go on all night but i will stop for now any ?s but i do have sumn else to say THANK YOU JESUS for GIVING Me THE JOB i have thank you for bringing those who are in my life and thank you for taking those out who didnt need to be there THANK YOU JESUS for everything you done for me and going to do for me i give you my life do with it as u want to construct me into the man i needa be
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 06:19:47 +0000

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