ATTENTION N.S.A. EMPLOYEES - PLEASE CONSIDER RESIGNING WITH A GOOD CONSCIENCE: OBAMA IS FRIGHTENED OF HIS OWN MILITARY LEADERSHIP AND FOR GOOD CAUSE. Obama’s administration seems hell bent on removing any mention of Islam having anything to do with terrorism in his administration, as evidenced with the entire YouTube video fiasco following Benghazi, the Army’s manuals claiming Christianity as number one religious extremism ahead of Muslim Brotherhood, his administration’s equating the Founding Fathers with terrorists, the DHS’ preferential treatment of Islamic supremacists, and his Federal attorneys threatening American citizen’s free speech for speaking out against Islam. There was Gen. David McKiernan, the four-star who lead U.S. ground forces during the successful lightning Iraq invasion. He was asked to resign command of allied forces in Afghanistan just four months into Obama’s presidency in 2009. Never fully explained, but the implication was administration dissatisfaction with the war’s progress. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, a special ops veteran who was McKiernan’s successor. He resigned when his staff was quoted making derogatory comments to an embedded journalist about the administration in general and VP Joe Biden in particular. If mocking Megamind Biden is worthy of resignation, then most of America needs to step down by lunch today. Gen. David Petraeus, the architect of the surge and successful counter-insurgency strategy in Iraq, was demoted from Central Command to return to lead the Afghan war. After that successful tour Obama named him director of the Central Intelligence Agency, which required his military resignation after nearly four decades of service. Tuesday Obama announced that unspecified health challenges have emerged in Allen’s family requiring his full attention and Allen has resigned the NATO nomination, which Obama feels compelled to accept. While, of course, deeply appreciating Allen’s long service to the country. One more gone. No mess. Never Obama’s fault. dcclothesline/2013/06/26/obama-disposes-of-another-top-american-general/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:58:44 +0000

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