ATTENTION...SENATOR DEMINT ASKING FOR DONATIONS FOR HERITAGE RECEIVED ONE OF MY RANTS INSTEAD ! Dear Senator DeMint, Never before have I feared for my country in the way that I do now. I am a 66 year old retired teacher from Cambridge, Massachusetts. I learned early on, in my profession, that although I grew up in a democratic household, I was not a democrat. I realized this over the first few years, as the Harvard School of Education dictated to my administrators, what to teach, how to teach and these mandates reduced my standards both academically and behaviourally. Social promotions for students who could hardly read, write, or multiply was the norm and accepted while unruly, disrespectful students were only expressing themselves and given little discipline when sent to the office. Over the years, I began to pay attention to politics. I must say, that Barack Hussein Obama is a Marxist on steroids. Worse than that, he is an illegal usurper who has chipped away in openly lawless fashion at our Constitution. I firmly believe that he was planted by some evil Saudis and George Soros and I know full well that I speak for millions when I utter those words. I also believe that he had the help of many evil politicians in both parties of congress to get elected. I am disgusted with my party. How dare they criticize patriots and conservatives such as Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, etc. How dare they. The Republicans are eating their own, while the democrats stick together like maggots to a cadaver. Shame on my party. They are terrible communicators and they are cowards for not beginning indictment charges and/or impeachment charges on this man who claims to be for the people. He is an insidiously dangerous man. You cannot deny this. His main objective is to destroy us from within and he is winning this jihad. In three years there will be nothing left of our country. Nothing left to save if your party DOES NOT STOP HIM. How in the world can the gop allow this man to continue on his ruinous rampage to continue to destroy the greatest nation on earth. How is it that they are such cowards and do not come out and tell the people in a press conference what and most importantly WHO Obama really is. He does not love our country, he cares for no one but himself and his Muslim buddies in the Middle East. And the endless scandals continue while the gop continues on with their USELESS hearings with no one being held accountable. It is beyond belief to me that my party has caved to an illegal usurping, radical over and over and over. It is more than obvious that the gop wants the American people to suffer as much as possible only to win back the Senate in 2014...HOW DARE THEY.....Instead of standing on principle they cave over and over again. Instead of defeating their opponents, (democrats) they capitulate and compromise with the sickening they are....It is so obvious that they are only interested in their self serving power and greed. I want them all fired, sans, Cruz and a few more. They are traitors. Why ? Because their silence about who Obama really is....shows that they consent to who he is and what his goals destroy the greatest nation on earth. Therefore, their silence is TREASON. Again, let me repeat that this man, hates the American way of life, hates Christians, has Muslims appointed to his regime, many Muslims and is attempting to crash this economy. He is muslim through and through. You know it, and you know most true blooded Americans know it. The gop took an oath to protect and defend us...and yet the enemy is right there living in our Beloved White House and they do NOTHING TO STOP HIM ? Shame on them. I am disgusted with my party. And I will not give one single dime to any of them accept for Cruz, Rand, Lee and a few more. Where are the cowards in the GOP ? Why arent they holding many press conferences to talk about the outrageous gas prices, food prices, the number of people on food stamps and the horrific mandates inside of Obamacare. Why arent they out there infront of the camras in droves weekly, monthly, to talk about the many scandals, ie, Benghazie, Irs, AP, Fast and Furious, Obama restricting drilling....etc, reducing our military power firing our generals and on and on it goes....Have they no shame or backbone ??? DO THEY NOT CARE ? Are they so greedy and power hungry that they dont know how much we are suffering out here in the real world ?? Yet, we have real conservatices such as Cruz standing up for 21 hours and the likes of the traitor McCain and his cohorts demonizing this man ?? Words cannot adequately describe how disgusted I am with your party, sir. And as far as Mitch McConnell...he needs to go, as does John Boehner. ASAP ! I have not one dime left to give to you. I live from check to check and have had to substitute teach to make ends meet thanks to the inability of the republican party to fight for what is right and just and fair. Our freedoms are being destroyed and they sit quietly by waiting for 2014. Let us suffer so that they can win back the Senate...THEY ARE TRAITORS. Its that simple. I was sorry to hear that you were leaving this bunch of treasonous, self serving bastards, but I understood why ?? In closing, perhaps you can forward this letter to the entire Republican party. They need to know that they had better start gathering up the boxes as they will NOT win reelection whenever their time is up due to their inability to stand up for we the people and HOLD SOMEONE ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE ATROCITIES that are being perpetrated upon all facets of the American people and their freedoms. Lawlessness by Obama while continuing to attack, businesses and the average American and their families radical policies continuing by a MARXIST AND HIS REGIME. AND THEY ALLOW THIS ?? I never thought Id live to say, I am embarassed to be an American due to the failures of my party to hold Obama accountable and begin to IMPEACH HIM. I understand that this would never fly...but they can at least begin to do something, anything. My ultimate wish is that the military drag Obama out in a coup. Hes not an American. Hasnt this been proven, over and over with his callous lies and actions ???? And his open and friendly coziness with the Muslim nations ?? My God, why is it that these weasels in the gop sit and do nothing. How can this be ????? And if they think, for one moment, that we tea partiers have gone away they will be rudely awakened with this upcoming election and all subsequent elections. In closing, Merry Christmas to you and yours and thank you for all that you do at Heritage. But forwarding this letter to the republican party may be one of the best things you could do for our country and for we the people. I am asking you to ....Please help us, Sir. Let your party know that they cannot continue to ignore what Obama is attempting to do with his evil actions, while the gop remains silent cowards and our country declines to a third world power. God Bless You and God Bless the USA ! Respectfully, Suzanne L. _______ M.Ed Kennebunk, Maine
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 12:14:08 +0000

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