ATTENTION TO ALL HUMANITY FACEBOOK AND TWITTER OFFIONADOS, THE ORIGINAL LOVE CIRCUMCISIONS OF THE FULFILLMENT AND PEREFECTION OF ALL PERFECTION, “The Living Crown of Glory and Hosannah to the Living God, and the Revised New Expression of the Truth, PART OF THE PROCLAIMED EIGHT (8) WORDS OF TRUTH BY THE MESSIANIC LEADERS, BUSINESS MOGUL AND BUSINESS TYCOON OF AL TYCOON, Jesus Christ and St. Veronica (Christ-mother) and His Generations by Abrahamic Religions of the World in St. Matthew Redi –check review of the World Scripture II and the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon, copy right 2007 and published by the Universal Peace Federation a Non-Governmental Organization Under the United, UNESCO, New York, United States of America, 155 White Plains Road, Suite 222. On Page 13 of the World Scripture II by our beloved Grandfather Sun Myung Moon and our beloved Aunt Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, the correction shall be as follows; On Page 13 of the World Scripture II by the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon the Topic “The One God” and we have revised It as follows “Throughout Human History…………….the Prophets, Saints, Sages, Men and Women of Great Faith whose Names are Sacred Meanings Who knew the Will of God. They have followed this Universal Principles of the One Living God. Unity and Oneness of the God Father and God the Mother, in the Holy Bible and Sacred Ancient World Scriptures written by people of God who were guided and inspired by the Holy Ghost though Jesus Christs and movers of the Generations of the Lineage of Jesus Christ who are the Lamb of God in the Gospel of St. the Divine John 1:29 and the Generations of the Lineage of Abraham in the Gospel St. Matthew in the Gideons and Kings James Version of the Holy Bible. History of Religious Texts[edit] See also: history of religion, timeline of religion and history of writing The oldest known religious texts are Pyramid texts of Ancient Egypt that date to 2400-2300 BCE. The earliest form of the Phoenician alphabet found to date is the inscription on the sarcophagus of King Ahiram of Byblos. ( The Sumerian Temple Hymns [1]). The Epic of Gilgamesh from Sumer, with origins as early as 2150-2000 BCE,[2]:41–42 is also one of the earliest literary works that includes various mythological figures.[2]:41–42 The Rigveda of Hinduism is proposed to have been composed between 1700–1100 BCE[3] making it possibly the worlds oldest religious text still in use. The oldest portions of the Zoroastrian Avesta are believed to have been transmitted orally for centuries before they found written form, and although widely differing dates for Gathic Avestan (the language of the oldest texts) have been proposed, scholarly consensus floats at around 1000 BCE.[citation needed] The majority of scholars agree that the Torahs composition took place over centuries.[4] From the late 19th century there was a general consensus around the documentary hypothesis, which suggests that the five books were created c.450 BCE by combining four originally independent sources, known as the Jahwist, or J (about 900 BCE), the Elohist, or E (about 800 BCE), the Deuteronomist, or D, (about 600 BCE), and the Priestly source, or P (about 500 BC).[5] The first scripture printed for wide distribution to the masses was The Diamond Sutra, a Buddhist scripture, and is the earliest recorded example of a dated printed text, bearing the Chinese calendar date for 11 May 868 CE (CHRISTIAN ERA OR ANNO DOMINI) 6].
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 02:33:01 +0000

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