AUSTRALIE (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) : Retour des drumlines, en vue de - TopicsExpress


AUSTRALIE (WESTERN AUSTRALIA) : Retour des drumlines, en vue de capturer un requin blanc, équipé dun émetteur, qui présente un danger potentiel pour les usagers, suite à des observations régulières, ces derniers jours. Shark drum lines set off Warnbro Beach as hunt for tagged great white continues Publication ABC - December 21, 2014, 9:38 am Shark drum lines have been set for a second day off Warnbro Beach, south of Perth, after the WA Fisheries Department deemed a tagged great white shark a danger to the public. The shark was detected by the Warnbro Sound receiver again on Saturday morning after having been recorded within a kilometre of the shore over consecutive days. If the shark is caught alive, it will be shot. Fisheries has been monitoring the shark closely for the past fortnight, but it had not been deemed a serious threat until now. Beaches in the area remain closed. The Greens have called on the Government to rescind the catch-and-kill order amid concerns it would set a precedent. If they do catch it and kill it, it will be the third shark under the agreement between the Commonwealth and the state on the imminent threat policy, Greens spokeswoman Rachel Siewert said. The public has not seen any of the agreement yet, we havent seen the approval process or what the terms of the agreement are. It is entirely inappropriate for them to be using the tagged monitoring system to then target a shark and kill it. The Government is responding in an inappropriate manner and they need to rescind this order. Labors fisheries spokesman Dave Kelly also criticised the drum lines and said because the shark was tagged, it posed no threat. Labor doesnt support the killing of sharks, certainly not in these circumstances, he said. This is a great white that has an acoustic tag in it so we know exactly where that shark is. As a result, the beaches have been cleared in that area and it therefore poses no threat to the public at all. Its harder to think of a more stupid policy than spending thousands of dollars to tag great white sharks. Earlier this year, the WA Government rolled out a 13-week trial of baited drum lines near popular beaches. It lodged an application under federal environment law to extend the program for another three years, but in September Premier Colin Barnett announced he would not pursue the policy after the Environmental Protection Authority recommended against its continuation. Mr Barnett said an agreement had been reached with the Commonwealth that would ensure the State Government could take immediate action if a shark was posing a threat, or following an attack. #requin #shark #prélèvementrequin #drumlines
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 07:20:30 +0000

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