AWARENESS MAGAZINE — JULY/AUGUST 2013 awarenessmag/ Experience - TopicsExpress


AWARENESS MAGAZINE — JULY/AUGUST 2013 awarenessmag/ Experience True Healing & Pure Spirituality with Yogiraj Siddhanath Editorial contributions by Lavena, Padma, Jennifer, Abhiraj A native of Northern India, Yogiraj Siddhanath is a descendent of the ancient family of Ikshavaku Lord Rama of the Solar Dynasty. A Solar Master born with the blessings of the Sun, he has a unique ability to project the qualities of the sun through his radiant transmissions of light and energy. Yogiraj is a born Siddha, who, despite belonging to a royal family with all the comforts of palatial life, started experiencing spontaneous states of enlightenment (Samadhi) from the age of three. Upon completing his education at Sherwood College, Nainital, he surrendered the comforts of his royal life to follow his inner calling as a yogi. He spent his formative years searching the Himalayas for the legendary face of God. While meditating, he was empowered by many spiritual supermen, and in 1974, Yogiraj finally encountered the effulgent Mahavatar Babaji, in the nomadic mystical worlds of the Himalayas. He was initiated into the sacred practice of Kriya Yoga by this Divine Being and entrusted with spreading these yogic techniques throughout the world in service to the spiritual awakening of humanity. He returned to civilization offering a first-hand account of this peerless, deathless Yogi-Christ, and in line with Babaji’s request and blessings, commenced teaching these techniques. Yogiraj’s account of his adventures through consciousness is described in his landmark autobiography, Wings to Freedom: Revelations of Babaji and the Himalayan Yogis. Kriya Yoga, as taught by Yogiraj, is also known as the lightning path to enlightenment. Yogiraj explains that Kriya Yoga is the science of life force energy control, which develops into a concentration, and then a meditative practice, which finally merges into states of Samadhi. He describes Samadhi as the “composed mind,” or the union of the finite with infinite Consciousness, a natural process of the journey of the soul towards its parent source, the Spirit. HIS UNIQUENESS Amongst the Himalayan Masters, Yogiraj is one of the rare Siddhas who is broadly accessible to humanity, and can impart Shivapat (his soul consciousness of a still mind state of knowingness), Pranapat (karma cleansing breath) and Shaktipat (kundalini energy transmissions). One’s experience of these transmissions varies according to their level of receptivity. Yogiraj often encourages his audience to drop their minds and be like a child of five — open to the wonders and magic of the world. This level of innocence and trust allows the barriers of the mind to dissolve, increasing the absorption and integration of Yogiraj’s healing transmissions. For over 40 years, Yogiraj has helped millions of people all over the world by freely sharing with them his enlightened bliss-consciousness (Samadhi), healing transmissions and Kundalini energy transmissions, and thereby awakening them to the unshakable Truth that “Humanity is our only religion, Breath, our sole uniting prayer, and Consciousness, our uniting God.” SPIRITUAL CORONATION On May 10, 2013, Yogiraj was honored by the highest authority on the Sanatan Dharma in India, with the title of Yog Maartand (Supreme Sun of Spiritual Splendor) and Chhatrapati Shivaji Raje Ratna (Precious jewel that further glorifies the legacy of Chhatrapati Shivaji, and through his spiritual contribution, brings pride to the land and the people of Chhatrapati Shivaji). This day, Yogiraj explained that when a king is not just a king but also a yogi, his sword is transformed from a weapon of violence into a weapon of spirituality, known as the ‘Gyan Aaseen.’ This sword becomes a powerful weapon to separate the truth from untruth, the pure from the impure, and the reality from illusion. IDEAL HOUSEHOLDER YOGI Gurumata Shivangini, Yogiraj’s wife of 35 years, is a powerful yogini in her own right, and is a tireless support to Kriya Yoga practitioners. Yogiraj and Gurumata Shivangini demonstrated by example that the path to enlightenment is deeply profound and achievable even for householders. They have raised two devout children and celebrate the graces of grandchildren, serve their communities charitably, and together, envisioned and built the Siddhanath Forest Ashram in Pune, India. The ashram is the abode of the largest Mercury Shiva Lingam in the world. This mystical yogic artifact beams ceaseless love from the Earth Peace Temple to the spiritually-thirsty world, and serves as a testament to Yogiraj and Gurumata’s commitment and tireless service to Humanity. YOGIRAJ’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO YOGIC KNOWLEDGE It was Paramhansa Yogananda’s seminal work, Autobiography of a Yogi, that introduced Mahavatar Babaji to the Western world for the very first time. In 2011, Yogiraj advanced the most-treasured secrets of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga lineage with his ground-breaking revelation, Babaji: The Lightning Standing Still, divulging publicly, for the first time, the origins of Babaji, His purpose in the world, and the secret history of human evolution that He is tending. The book was recently awarded the Most Influential Book of the New Millennium Award by the American Authors’ Association, and offers lasting insights into the God-revealing sciences, which are barely whispered even in the legendary regions of the Himalayas. Yogiraj stands for the truth that “at the level of consciousness, humanity is one.” He explains that different people call this spiritual state by different names. For example, some people call it Christ-consciousness while others call it Buddha-consciousness. According to Yogiraj, these are merely differences of names and dialect. He further shares the essential fact is that these states of consciousness are all the same, and above these differences in names, is the Nameless One — God consciousness. However, due to the limitations of our minds, this state of consciousness is incomprehensible, and cannot be described or known. Yogiraj states that although people have achieved this state, “those who know it tell it not and those who tell it know it not.” According to him, it is not to be described or spoken about, but only to be experienced by those Buddhas, Christs and Krishnas, who have reached a spiritual level where they can merge into the ultimate finale. Yogiraj’s book on Babaji discusses the beginning of our present state of creation, the end of the times, the objective of life on this planet and His purpose as a guide of mankind throughout the ages, from one world cycle through the next. Each sentence and paragraph in the book is filled with quantum layers of knowledge. It will not be wrong to say that Yogiraj’s book on Babaji is not just a book, but a tool for transformation in itself. It is so profound and depthful that it alters the reader’s experience of the surrounding world while reading, and makes the “impossible” seem somehow possible. Yogiraj’s unique contribution to the yogic treasury of knowledge also includes: 1. His legacy of the Luminous Swan, in which our soul resides in the body, as shown in his documentary ‘Wings to Freedom’; 2. The Alchemy of Total Transformation transmitted through the medium of consolidated Mercury Shiva Lingam: 3. The “Unified Field of Consciousness” experienced as Shivapat, the zero-mind state of knowingness en masse. TRANSMITTING THE ZERO It can be said that the Indian scientist Aryabhatt discovered the ‘zero,’ Indian philosopher Vivekananda spoke on ‘zero’, and it is Yogiraj Siddhanath who makes one experience the ‘zero.’ Yogiraj Siddhanath demonstrated this Unified Field of Consciousness when he addressed the United Nations in October 2007. At the UN address, he gave the experience of the zero-mind state of knowingness, showing what India has to offer to the world, proving that at the level of Consciousness, Humanity is One. As Yogiraj embarks on his 2013 World Tour through Europe and the United States, he offers profound personal transformation through his Satsangs (Unified Consciousness workshops). His workshops include healing-energy transmissions, intriguing discourses and refreshing insights, which are sprinkled with delightful humor, and of course, initiation into the most authentic Himalayan yogic science, Mahavatar Babaji’s Kundalini Kriya Yoga. Through the Kriya Yoga Empowerment workshops, Yogiraj offers seekers the sacred techniques that help in eliminating the seeds of negative karma, purifying the central nervous system, flushing out the toxins and diseases, attaining a balance in systems, and dissolving the nervous states to achieve true peace. These techniques help the practitioners attain holistic harmony by nourishing their body, mind and spirit into balance, relaxing their consciousness into the ‘Now’, and awakening their dormant Kundalini safely and gradually, to achieve the super-conscious states of Samadhi, which is the ultimate goal of Yoga. MEETING BABAJI — THE EXPERIENCE OF ALL EXPERIENCES In his interviews, Yogiraj has tried to respond to people’s curiosity about the meetings and guidance he received from Babaji and other immortal yogis on his spiritual path. In his response, he said he will talk, but he cannot talk much about his meeting with Babaji as the state is extremely overwhelming. He discusses his experiences in the first chapter of his book, Wings to Freedom. According to him, reading that first chapter is more beneficial than just listening to him as it gives more insight into what he has to say. He said that he met Babaji when he was young, about 27 years old, as he journeyed to the Himalayas in his trip from the plains, from Hardwar to Rishikesh and then to Rudraprayag. Then he had the experience of this great Being called Babaji Gorakshanath. He saw a great light at night, at the confluence of two rivers, the Mandakini and the Alakhnanda. Where these two rivers met, he had the experience of Babaji. He shares, “it was morning and I was meditating as an aurora borealis light came along this river, the confluence and I saw all of these colors and I found that I was partaking of my own self as I saw this swirling mount of light. At the still center, I found that I was experiencing my Master and my Supreme-Self. I am at a loss to describe the experience. I cannot find the words.” THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY Yogiraj says that Babaji has a plan for the future of humanity but it may not be how we would want it. According to Yogiraj, Babaji plans according to the cosmic, divine program and is more focused on our consciousness and spirit than it is on our physical bodies and minds which are very limited and filled with desires. He further shared that ultimately, it is all about Kriya Yoga, which is the science of the evolution of consciousness, given for the benefit and wellness of humanity by the great Shiva-Goraksha Babaji. Yogiraj expressed that this is his mission and that is what he teaches. His teachings are not only talking, but they are also experiential, where he gives transmission of Shaktipat, and also shares with seekers his enlightened state of still-mind awareness which he offers for each person to experience. At the same time, he also advises that even though he shares this unique state of mind, everyone must make his own effort to continue to know and experience the enlightened and still mind of the yogi, and see his awareness. One of the reasons that he shares his Samadhi with people who come into his contact and attend the seminars and Satsangs is that it gives them motivation to practice Kriya Yoga and meditation. Yogiraj Siddhanath will begin his 2013 U.S. tour in Mid-July visiting the East Coast followed by Southern California, Seattle and Northern California. He will arrive in Southern California and host Healing Enlightenment Satsangs and Kriya Yoga Empowerment Workshops in San Diego/Encinitas and Los Angeles between August 10-18. This will be followed by a Satsang in the San Francisco Bay area on September 14. His U.S. West Coast tour will conclude with the New Life Awakening Kundalini Kriya Yoga Meditation Retreat in Carlsbad, CA starting on September 19. For registration and more information, please visit, email: [email protected], or call 866-YOGI-RAJ.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 01:37:04 +0000

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