Abbas: Mr President. You are starting to turn the table on - TopicsExpress


Abbas: Mr President. You are starting to turn the table on Palestinian favor. This struggle, is to rid of the oppression and occupation on behalf of a Terrorist and Criminal Mafia Syndicate with the desire propose to control the whole Palestine, and take control not only of their land, but resources which rightfully belong to all Palestinian People and children. Palestine has been left alone by all Military Forces, but Palestinian Will and Lyon hearts will teach the world the greets lesson never seen, the will of a people to hold on to their roots. culture, and history. The answer is, no. They must ultimately pay for their crimes, and Palestines Public, and Political Infrastructure rebuild, in accordance with United States Resolutions and approval of all Nations, to see Palestine as a Sovereign County, independent from Israel. Yesterday at 9:59am · Like · 1 By. Nifisa Bueno: tantissimi israeliani parlano arabo come prima lingua dato che gli ebrei furono accolti come rifugiatiin in tutti i paesi arabi durante limpero ottomano perche erano perseguitati in europa.. furono poi esiliati dai paesi arabi x via del conflitto is...See More many Israelis speak Arabic as their first language since Jews were welcomed as rifugiatiin in all the Arab countries during the Ottoman Empire because they were being persecuted in Europe. were then exiled from Arab countries via the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the middle 60s, most of them Cowgirl in Israel, others in Europe and america. the Zionist father panzone from my former partner of University of Libya for example.. (Translated by Bing) Yesterday at 10:06am · I am no Politician, but, I, Eduoard V. H. (E.A.A.H) would ask these demands be met. If, they ask me and I see they are speaking from the heart and truthfully, this are the conditions I would demand, plus those HAMAS and the Palestinian Government call for. Immediate Removal of the wall and check points. 1967 border line. All settlements and facilities built on occupied territory stays. Immediate transfer of all Palestinian taxes and money being withheld by Israel. Release of all prisoner, men, women, and children. Immediate recognition of the State of Palestine as if did exist prior to occupation and diaspora. Recognition of HAMAS and Fatah as part of the sovereign state of Palestine. Recognition of all resources, air, land, and sea belonging to Palestine (West Bank, GAZA, and all other cities occupied by illegal settlers. Economic Restitution to each family, and their children, and subsequent generation for all loss and aggression until the year 2135. Immediate recognition of all Palestinians within Israel as citizens, if they choose to remain in Israel. Distribution of funds allocated for USA Military and Economic aid to Israel for the reconstruction of Palestine Infrastructure. Pardon of all prisoners of con flits past and present, and future if the case Israel becomes again military belligerent and active unilaterally, or instigates conflict with the Recognized Palestine territory. Acceptance of Palestine to the United Nations, as an independent Nation. Recognition of Palestinian Air Space in order for Palestine to have access to their own Airports. Recognition of ocean borders and Palestinian right to have harbors, and fishing commerce. Abolishment of any military, or belligerent school training, and/or teachings imparted to Israeli children to prevent Anti Semite sentiment against Palestinians, or any other culture within Palestinian territory. Immediate stop to all propaganda which may cause ill sentiment from foreign citizens against Palestine. Recognition for the right to Palestine to form a Democratic and unified government within itself, under the guidance of Democratic Nations Preferred. Immediate apprehension of those whose advocacy for the annihilation of all Palestinians cause this conflict.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 18:43:07 +0000

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