About 15 years ago I was on food stamps for almost a year. I was - TopicsExpress


About 15 years ago I was on food stamps for almost a year. I was not lazy just very poor. I could not make ends meet and could not find a job anywhere and was not qualified for really anything but radio. My friends and family will tell you that I am anything but lazy. I was even homeless once for 3 months. But most of my life I have worked very hard in the radio industry. What is really sad is that cutting food stamps will affect War Veterans, the elderly and children. Republicans and Democrats need to start taxing these corporations because one war the U.S. will NOT have is on a war on the poor. Not on my watch....not with my vote. The Iraq War cost taxpayers about 2 Trillion dollars. The Government Shutdown 24 Billion. The 2014 Election will be especially important because many people dont vote because it is not a Presidential election. I encourage you to vote and replace those in the house who are cutting Food Stamps. Vote out those who shutdown the government trying to stop affordable healthcare. It appears that most of those waging the War on the Poor are Republicans. I have been silent for a long time but must speak up because I voted for Obama twice but the Republicans have blocked him on everything. This pisses me off! Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are so dangerous. They sell fear, negativity and lies. They say that Obama is Muslim, Dictator, Kenyan, Socialist, ....one lie after another. The Tea Party waves a a confederate flag in front of the white house. Oh, those poor rednecks...sad. But this motivates me to fight for good. The deficit is not because of the poor. I encourage you to vote in 2014 for Democrats. I think only then can we move forward. Always proud to be a liberal, Evan.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 23:52:51 +0000

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