About What most people fail to overstand is that the original - TopicsExpress


About What most people fail to overstand is that the original fertile crescent of what is said to be the origin of all life on this planet, ran from what is now known as North America extending from the shores of California, throughout South America, the Carribean Islands, all the islands in the South Atlantic; Mexico and as far as the Tigris & Euphrates. Most don’t know how we got here because it is taught that we came from Africa, when in actuality, we were everywhere before there was an Africa, Asia, Europe, America, Australia, etc., which is why you find our people all over the planet; yet everyone knows except us. For the same reason you find pyramids all over the planet, under or above water, is the same reason you find us on all continents. We are the original people and were everywhere before the continental drift. Scholars think that Egypt was the first of our great empires, but in reality, Egypt or Khemet was the last of our great kingdoms. In fact, the Egyptian Empire came out of the Kish Empire of the Nuwbun, which was an Olmec Empire in Aswan (Sudan or Te Nehisi); consisting of what is known as Ethiopia, Sudan, Nubia, Uganda and Kenya, long before the existence of the Egyptian Empire. It has also been a common misconception that Khemet was the original name of Egypt; however, the original name was TaMaRe, meaning water earth and sun; land of Re. Then it became known as Tar and later Khemet then Mitsrayim, and finally Egypt. The original name for what is currently referred to as Upper & Lower Egypt, were Uazit and Nekhebit; which were both ruled by Narmer (Menes), who’s family was from Ta Nehisi, Aswan, Nubia, and Mesopotamia; not Egypt. The merging of Uazit and Nekhebit by Narmer (Menes), produced the Egyptian Dynasties. The original rulers of the Egyptian Empire were not from Egypt, but rather migrated to Egypt and became rulers. Most scholars date the Egyptian Empire back to the 4th Dynasty with Osiris (Asaru), Isis (Aset), and Heru (Horus); the oldest recorded date is 2500 B.C. Some go a little further to Maat, in the 3rd Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, which has been dated around 2780 B.C.E. However, Tehuti (Thoth) is on record in Teotihuacan; presently Central America, with the Olmecs dated around 3100 B.C. Tehuti (Thoth) was exiled from Egypt and came to the City of Gods in Mexico. Olmec Emperor Meci is recorded in the Popol Vuh of the Mayans, as being in Central America around 3113 B.C. The long count calendar dates August 13, 3113 B.C.; found at the Olmec Ixapa site in Vera Cruz, proving that the Olmecs birthed the Mesoamerican calendar system; linking them to being here long before 1500 B.C. What no one pays attention to is the fact that if these dates are remotely close to being accurate, then the migration alone of our people the Olmecs, not the existence of them, is older than the existence of Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Maat according to their history. The dates are key! Let us further clarify so there is no confusion. The Olmec lineage and bloodline has been traced back to Utnaphistim (Noah) in Mesopotamia. Khemet or Kemet, the son of Utnaphistim (Noah) was not born in Egypt, but migrated to Egypt from the Nuwbun Olmec Empire in Nuwba. His father, however, was from what is called Mesopotamia; present day Iraq. The Kish Empire, which later became the Kush or Cushite Empire which was created by the Nuwbuns; later becoming known as the Olmecs. The original Nuwbuns (Olmecs) set up 14 kingdoms around the world that birthed most of the indigenous people on the planet. Even language and writings were birthed by our ancestors the Nuwbuns (Olmecs) from Nuwba and Mesopotamia. Despite the different pronunciations, all semetic languages including Chinese, which birthed Japanese, which birthed Korean; all come from Cuneiform, presently called Nuwuabic. Our language is a combination of Hieratic, Cuneiform, Nuwuabic, and the Olmec Mende script. These are the first languages ever spoken on this planet, which gave birth to other dialects, such as: Akkadian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ashuric, Aramic, Amharic, Sabean, Ge’ez, Sanskrit, Farsi, Urdu, Ugarit, etc. We were called Olmecs by our children the Aztecs in Central America and we were called Xi (shi) by our children the Chou people in China. However, we were the Imperial Xi Clan Dynasty. We migrated from Mesopotamia to Asia, to Nuwba (Africa), from Nuwba to South America (S. West Amexem), to the Carribean and North America (N. West Amexem); to Canada, then to Alaska. All of this relates to our society as indigenous aboriginals. How this ties in with America is honestly quite simple. Let us explain; the United States of America is in fact, an indebted nation to the Moorish Empire, and their Treaty of Marrakesh (1787), illustrates the payment of gold and silver. The United States of America has been part of the Moorish Empire until its decline in 1885, at the Berlin Conference and subsequently until 1782 when the formal capitulation papers were signed by George Washington. These states were under the jurisdiction of the Moroccan Empire, thus the Treaty of Peace and Friendship is one agreement that outlines some of the responsibilities, and is to be attached to the Constitution as valid against the Constitution, as is the Confederation (Article VI of the Constitution for the United States of North America, Republic). The Constitution is an ongoing agreement to prior agreements; yet many think the Constitution voids any previous agreements. If that were the case Article VI would not have been written, and those who sit in the seats of government wouldn’t take an oath to it. Take note that the Treaty was written after the Declaration of Independence in 1776, wherein the colonists were determined to be treated equally. It is also interesting to note how today, they act as if they’ve never heard of Moors, yet the Treaty was written, and is documented in American History, as is the letter from George Washington to Muhammed Ibn Abdullah - Sultan of Morocco, December 1, 1789. The Treaty was written to bring about peace, and to provide protection to the colonist on the high seas, and on land. Knowledge and truth alone will set you free! The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 did not set any slaves free; it standardized slavery. The United States being the model for the standardization of slavery, reducing people from their sovereign capacity and forced them to join nation states. Then they were able to issue statues, codes, ordinances, and resolutions on them. A statute, as in a state statute is not a law; it is a corporate policy of the corporation that calls itself the Commonwealth of whatever state they represent. A code is not a law; the United States Codes, etc. These are codes, ordinances and resolutions of a municipality of the city you reside, which is a private non-profit corporation. The reason these codes, ordinances, etc. are not law is because the only people who can issue law are people who are acting in their sovereign capacity, i.e. Moors. These people who sit in these positions as elected officials are not in fact in their sovereign capacity; they’re in a corporate-ward status, meaning that they are wards of the state, and members of the corporation which is a non-profit that calls itself the Commonwealth of whatever state you reside. As long as you have a contract with the Commonwealth of your state; you belong to them, and that’s what slavery is. Now to further clarify, only people in their sovereign capacity can use law. If you are a member of a corporate-ward state, or corporate-ward nation that calls itself the United Sates of America; you are a citizen. Let us remind you that a citizen is not a sovereign, a resident is not a sovereign; therefore if you use an address which is a fictitious number associated with a designation issued by a corporate-ward, then you become under the jurisdiction of those who are also corporate-wards but who are also slaveholders. So if you are operating under that capacity, law doesn’t apply to you. The statutes, codes, ordinances, and resolutions of that private non-profit corporation apply to you. But if you are a sovereign of the Moorish Empire, then those statutes, codes, ordinances, and resolutions do not apply to you because you are not a member of the corporate-ward state. Trust that they overstand the difference, and will try to place you within their jurisdiction, and you unknowingly fill out forms everyday and each time you fill out a form you enter into a contract. It doesn’t matter what kind of form it is; it’s a contract. A driver’s license is a contract, a social security number is a contract, a deed is a contract, even a voter registration is a contract; please overstand that! Anything that you put your signature on is a contract. The fact is that its not relevant for us to go into any courtroom and argue about their ordinances, codes, statutes, etc. The only thing that should be discussed is if we have violated the Treaty; have you violated Article VI of the Constitution? If not then you should be asking questions. What is your status? What is your name? What is your nationality? Don’t let them get away with saying they are U.S. citizens; you cannot be a citizen and sit a bench, you cannot be a member of the American Bar Association, which is a private non-profit corporation that issues registration numbers to its members who do not have a license to practice law in any state. In order to have a license to practice law you must be In Propria Persona; and in order to be In Propria Persona on this land, whether that be North America, Central America, or South America; you must be a Moor. "There is no discretion to ignore lack of jurisdiction." Joyce v. U.S. 4742D 215. "Once jurisdiction is challenged, the court cannot proceed when it clearly appears that the court lacks jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, but, rather, should dismiss the action." Melo v. U.S., 505 F2d 1026. "The burden shifts to the court to prove jurisdiction." Rosemond v. Lambert, 469 F2d 416. "Jurisdiction is fundamental and a judgment rendered by a court that does not have jurisdiction to hear is void ab initio." In Re Application of Wyatt, 300 P.132; Re Cavitt, 118 P2d 846. "Thus, where judicial tribunal has no jurisdiction of the subject matter on which it assumes to act, its proceedings are absolutely void in the fullest sense of the term." Dillon v. Dillon, 187 P 27. "A court has no jursidiction to determine its own jurisdiction, for a basic issue in any case before a tribunal is its power to act, and a court must have the authority to decide that question in the first instance." Rescue Army v. Municipal Court of Los Angeles, 171 P2d 8; 331 US 549. We hate to say it but we’ve been fooled. If you continue to just understand, you will always remain ignorant, which is to ignore the facts. We have to discontinue labeling ourselves by locations and claiming to be descendants of negros, coloreds, blacks, african-americans, puerto ricans, dominicans, hispanics, etc. In truth, it places us outside the law, outside of the constitutional fold of government, and outside of the ancient principles which reside within each individual. You must acknowledge that the sciences of our ancient mothers/fathers has been twisted, misinterpreted and misrepresented by slavery through the use of subtle dogmatic control systems. The Moors Unified Society of Amaurica strives to uplift and raise the level of “true" self consciousness amongst ourselves and our unconscious brothers and sisters in a functional and beneficial manner; working to remove the artificially induced mental and civic death which plagues humanity.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:37:30 +0000

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