Absolutely not, was my reply. Oh yes you will!!!!... I was with a - TopicsExpress


Absolutely not, was my reply. Oh yes you will!!!!... I was with a group of black men. We were walking, on our way to a function of some sort. As we were walking on our way to this function, whatever it was, we were stopped by a black police officer who seemed intent on gaining our personal information and he rudely asked for our names. Absolutely not!!, was my reply. Oh yes you will!! get your mother f****** monkey asses over here, come on over here!!, was his reply. The group of men that I was with seemed as if they had been through this many times and they were more than willing to follow the officers orders. Myself being an individual who loves flexing his rights all of the time, told the officer, absolutely not, as I reached for my cellphone and prepared to start video recording. We were in what seemed to be a gymnasium and as he was trying desperately to get us to stop walking. I told him no and started recording. He proceed to try and manhandle me and throw me around as if he was going to force me to the ground and cuff me. When I was young I was in judo, briefly, and learned to use my weight to my advantage. In life, I had had the experience of people bigger than myself trying to do much the same thing, but to no avail. He would grab me by my neck and throw me, as if to try to make me fall over, and was trying to trip me. But, since I am very agile he wasnt not able to do so. And even though he tried to slap my phone from my hand several times, he was very unsuccessful. The group of men that I was with thought that this was very funny!! Since we were around a huge crowd of people, he was not able to just start in with the his nightstick and just start beating the hell out of me. I kept telling the officer not to try to break my phone, and believe me he tried. He was finally able to slap it from my hand and it landed face down but in his attempt to swing me around a few more times, I reached down and picked it right back up, the whole time pointing it towards myself as if I was taking a selfie, with him in the background. I put myself between my camera and himself. The officer was accompanied by another gentleman who stood his ground with his thumbs in his belt and stood there without saying a word. He seemed, to me anyways, to be a law abiding police officer just doing his job who, instead of helping his friend, was keeping an eye on the brothers. The more we struggled the more it seemed like we were headed toward the door. The gentleman officer motioned with his hand as if he were directing the other individuals, the men that I was with, to proceed in that direction... As we neared the exit, the crowd that had gathered started in on the officers. We were in the ghetto so they were mostly black and some were Mexicans. They yelled, Whats going on? Just as the crowd neared, the officers got nervous and the one that was messing with me, let me go. We finally made it outside and more people that noticed the commotion started gathering. I, for one, saw my way out and started to walk even faster. The brothers took my lead and followed, and we started running. The crowd, in lockstep, seemed to detain the officers somewhat and we gained a signficant lead. As we rounded the corner, I saw a large building with a crowd of people, who were nicely dressed, laughing and smiling with catering trucks out front. As I was in the lead, I ran in first. The place was filled with many lengths of tables with chairs tightly packed, and people sitting in them eating their food, parallel to our path. The only problem was that the backs of the chairs were so close together that we barely had enough room to run between them, and as such many people lost their drinks. As we ran through we made a giant mess and the crowd was getting up, in order to clean themselves off, which was great because they made a perfect obstruction for the officers that were chasing us. We burst through the back door, into a football field, ran across towards the bleachers, and jumped a full-size fence that was immediately behind the bleachers, barbed wire and all. The city provided many opportunities for cover, and as we rounded yet another corner we found a box truck parked at the stoplight almost ready to leave and noticed it was unlatched. Luckily the truck was empty and as we lifted the door we all jumped in and closed it without the driver knowing. He left right on cue and we were safe. After laughing for several minutes we were all out of breath so we relaxed and all enjoyed the story over and over again, each with his own point of view. One of the brothers was talking on his cell phone and reach for the door and peeked out. He was calling for a ride for us all. The truck slowed and we all jumped out, when we saw our chance. We waited till dark and got a ride back, to the point of origin of the whole mess, and picked up our vehicles never saying another word to each other about the incident. As I left I pondered the incident over and over again in my mind, wondering why it all started. I was awakened by the sun shining in my eyes, heart still pounding, telling myself wow what a wonderful dream!! lol
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 05:14:16 +0000

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