Adeyemi Stax Oseni.Writes... APC Muslim/Muslim Presidential - TopicsExpress


Adeyemi Stax Oseni.Writes... APC Muslim/Muslim Presidential Candidates The rumour or call it speculation from some quarter that All Progressive Congress, APC, will present Muslim as their presidential candidate and another Muslim as vice president has been generating serious debates across the nation for a while and I believe the argument would not stop even after this party presents the presidential candidates for the next presidential election. Initially, I thought the first report was an avenue for sampling opinions from the people but as it is currently, I want to disagree because most of the chieftains of this political party made us understand that they are unaware of such move and presently they are so busy in organising congresses across the nation. All in all, APC has not presented any presidential candidate(s) for the next general election. That is a FACT. Another fact is that Nigeria is neither a Christian nor an Islamic nation and constitutionally religion has no bases in determining who should be the president or who should vie for the office of president of Federal Republic of Nigeria. In Chief Dele Momodu and Chief Fani-Kayode submission, the arguments were based on the equity and justice and I disagree with both of them and others who might have the same view. Although APC has never presented any candidate for the presidential election, nevertheless the issue of equity and justice shouldn’t arise in this case because politics is a game of number as Chief Dele Momodu mentioned and, in my view, the influence of the party flag-bearers matter most at this time considering the electorates. For instance, when General Muhammad Buhari chose Pastor Tunde Bakare as his running mate for the 2011 presidential election, how many people, in the South West in particular considered that base on equity and justice, voted for him? CPC lost in five out of six states in this region. Moreover, Pastor Tunde Bakare is not only a Christian like the president but a pastor of one the popular churches in the South West but the President was considered by the electorates. Even, most of the Muslims voted for him without considering their brother in Islam. What happened then was sympathy not really his influence over the people’s General. Thus, the issue of equity and justice shouldn’t arise in choosing any flag bearer for the APC at this time but the popularity and influence of the party flag-bearers on the electorates. Equity and justice should only be applicable to the treatment of our people; welfare and justice to the people in general. In my view, the purported Muslim/Muslim presidential ticket by the APC is an attempt or strategy to put people against APC or to disorganise this political party in decision making. It means those people behind this knew fully that two people who are likely to represent this party in the next presidential election might be difficult to defeat in any free and fair elections. The architects of this rumour might be trying to align the sentiments of our good people in a particular direction of their choice. “Every object continues in its state of rest unless impressed force act on it.” –Newton’s first law of motion. Similarly, mind can be put in or on motion consciously or unconsciously in any direction especially gullible minds. The hoo-hah of Muslim/Muslim ticket is about selfish and political interest and has nothing to do with good governance. The good people of Nigeria want sincere change of governance. Adeyemi Stax Oseni.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:54:18 +0000

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