Affordable Health Care? From Obamacare? In Florida? Its a - TopicsExpress


Affordable Health Care? From Obamacare? In Florida? Its a myth. A myth with two sides - both mythical even if one is purely self- or partisan-interested support while the other shares that with the gross ignorance and facial stupidity of literally millions of Americans on the other side of the partisan divide. How AFFORDABLE is this revolutionary program - claimed by one side as positive change for a better future while the other screams as if their child were being held at knife-point soon to be murdered in cold blood (the beginning of the future or the end of America). (Revolution in the positive sense in Democratic eyes - like that 200+ years ago founding a new nation on morally justifiable premises rather than mere power or force of a ruling elite; negative in Republican eyes like the French Revolution that shortly followed degrading into another form of tyranny or that later came to be associated with the 20th Century and claims to be placing a priority on the community and the common good (key among those moral concepts central to that initial American revolution) but really only trying to mask an authoritarian states tyrannizing its subjects (not truly citizens - but mere subjects to the ruling elite.). If the LOWEST POSSIBLE INSURANCE PLAN for a Floridian, with no income, and a pre-existing condition - is MORE THAN $300 a month - the actual name of the law at the heart of this is as empty and hollow rhetorically as the pejorative naming of it after the President now being embraced in the incessant war of partisan rhetoric that does little more than provide campaign fodder for the two Party entities to try and demonize the other out of office and thus occupy it for their own group of interests and supporters. But this is not a Health Care reform - its a Health INSURANCE reform - in fact - possibly the means whereby to PREVENT the US from ever really approaching health care as a public service, a DUTY of government in its care for the public and general welfare, no less than national defense or domestic policing. The logic of Obamacare (a term I find repugnant - when embraced by either side) was never to provide quality and enough health care for the citizens of the nation (who cannot afford it individually - which is the overwhelming bulk of the Nation) - but to ensure that Americans REMAIN TRAPPED in a FAILED SYSTEM of non-health care (health insurance companies ends are not the ends of either the individual or the state in seeking to provide health care - it is to try and LIMIT and DENY as much care as they can get away with (and that has been quite a lot) in order to have more cash flowing in (from the customer) than the value of the health care they OUGHT (from a HEALTH aim) to get costs. This is the Democratic Party, with Republican legislation, facing a Republican-machine that would oppose ANY policy of the other side (neither institution or set of players have any real, direct, incentive to do anything BUT to get elected - which entails pandering to interests with votes and money (primarily the latter - which effectively determines the former). This is a Republican Party screaming socialism over a greed-based corporate subsidization by the government and thus by the people. So - while this new system of privatized health insurance (meaning people will tend to pay for LESS than they get - otherwise the Insurance Companies would have no interest in the business) - not socialized (as misused a term as that has become) medicine. The latter is The People, paying for THEMSELVES, via (theoretically at least) themselves (since theoretically the people are SELF-governing - even though this promise is being denied in practice - by more than just BOTH SIDES (equally) - but by the system which both sides together entail. A system which INEVITABLY leads to the DEEPEST possible (one rather than multiple rifts) division into a Bipolar Government. Yes - pun intended - because it is effectively a social-mental health disorder that we are suffering from. And it is an illness warned against when fighting to adopt this Nations political constitution - the mortal disease of factionalism. This is as necessary and logical an outcome as is possible in a two-player (exclusive) game. One side deems it FIRST PRIORITY as the defeat of the other - and as the system takes root (and it has been for 200 years - despite the prior intent) its two-poles grow more concentrated while also more antithetical to each other. And the internal institutional structures that grew around that, and in the interests of, two party system - such as the standing committee system - ensure that there is no discourse, let alone actual debate, in the formulation of the needs of the Nation and the choice of possible means to address them. There is just bipolar bickering from the two, exclusive, voices that are supposed to capture the full-views of a Nation perhaps more diverse and heterogeneous than any other in history - but which, necessarily, cannot do so - unless there are unwritten norms that limit a political actors actions - such as once existed when parties were openly decried as the enemy of both freedom and good government. But once one actor learns that the benefits far outweigh the costs of putting aside such norms and instead playing by the literal rules of the institutions/processes - the inevitable outcome - of a bipolar breakdown - becomes all but impossible to overcome - without re-starting the system as a whole from scratch. The absurdity of the folly before our eyes over Obamacare - in both its defense and its defilement - is really nothing more than this National bipolar disorder being revealed in symptoms writ large. There is no new system of health care - it remains a private profit making realm for the greedy to take advantage of the needy. What is needed in America are people who will both say out large that the Nation has a social-mental disorder rooted in a systemic corruption of our true constitutional system (the primary aim in the logic of the Constitution - was to NEGATE the effect of ANY AND ALL parties (and a two party system is the polar opposite - rather than a one party (which really is another form of a two-faction system - just hidden in formal politics by only one allowed party)). Obamacare is not socialism - nor is it evil. But neither is it good - and in fact it is just a governmental protection plan to temper the greed, to be less greedy (not non-greedy), of corporate entities that bet on the insurance racket. I say temper - and I say protect - because the health insurance system is a system of abuse per se. But its abuses can be either more or less egregious from a relative perspective - even though, like pregnancy, you are either it or not, never just a little bit. Obamacare, despite the idiotic howls of the people who act more sheep and parrot like, being led to slaughter while singing the songs of their shepherds, is just a government EMBRACING and thereby potentially SECURING (preserving rather than reforming) the naive ideal of capitalism as greed (pursuing individual self-interests produces by an invisible hand the common good) that has become more of a religion in this Nation than any other institution (including those historically religions) - a dogma. This is a COMPLETE AND UTTER FAILURE. And I stress that to both Democrats and Republicans. Republicans need to stop drinking the cool-aid and start actually using reason and logic - not to mention learning history and philosophy - before repeating on cue their Partys rhetoric. While Democrats need to stop trying to candy coat an abysmal policy (that they never would have accepted if initially put forth to them as the Republican policy that it was - despite todays denials of Republicans) that prevented TRUE REFORM from coming about these past few years and is likely to have prevented ANY PROGRESS toward a rational, humane, good and just system of providing, publicly, for the health care needs of The Public. The failure is not in the failing computer software - which in itself incredible (truly not credible) as it is, is still not the problem - just a problem with a problematic policy that reforms ABSOLUTELY MINIMALLY (Insurers are required to insure those who currently NEED care (not betting that they wont in the future) - whereas in the past they could OUTRIGHT deny them; by trying to CAPTURE INTO THE MARKET a portion that currently does not participate in it (and indeed - to FORCE people into a market relation (its not the mandate alone - but the whole policy that is government using its force or power to push people into that market - which is in the interests of the corporations directly and only partially and indirectly, in its best light, the interest of the individual themselves)). The CRUX of Obamacare - which while I despise the term is better than its equally offensive original title of Affordable Health Care - the one thing it IS NOT. Yes - if you have a pre-existing condition, you can no longer be DENIED getting health INSURANCE. But are you ENSURED getting health CARE? No. Not in the least. Yes - the Insurance Company NOW MUST offer you a plan - BUT NOT AN AFFORDABLE PLAN. [If $300+ a month, for a disabled person with no income, is both being subsidized by the Government AND called affordable - we have actually seen BOTH FICTIONS (it IS subsidized - but not so as to make it affordable - at best - it TEMPERS the greed from ABSOLUTE to something less by mandating certain things Insurance Companies otherwise would not want - with the government subsidizing their potential loss both directly and by force - trying to capture the YOUNG (and not requiring large monthly health care costs) into the system, FEEDING the greed urge, so as to increase the money in the system - so that the Insurance companies dont have to feel the pain of the mandates imposed on them. This policy is a farce and a fraud. But not because of what we keep hearing from its opponents - who refuse to look at the reality; the same reality, however, that its proponents equally CHOOSE to ignore - all because they have become HABITUATED to thinking/acting (if those terms are given a less than ideal sense of these activities) as partisan sheep-parrots - singing their partisan marching tunes as they BOTH are being led collectively to the slaughter.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:15:12 +0000

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