After reading the todays news of singapore increasing the bill of - TopicsExpress


After reading the todays news of singapore increasing the bill of electricity tarriffs for the 3 mths due to the increasing market price of natural gas..what do u all singaporeans the reason really due to the increasing cost of natural gas price??the fishy part is that fer the period of three months..i believe alot of singaporeans are puzzled but they just let the matter rest as long as we can still afford to pay the bills.the most we can do is to waste time complaining..which i see does nt affect anything as the price will still go fer me i think feeling what all businessmen will think..which is opportunity. We singaporeans all know with the intense heat that we got in our country now is really making us switching on to our aircons fer much more longer you see why not and why wait..instead of helping we citizens to curb the problem for the ease of its own countrymen by educating its people to conserve energy they try a smarter,efficient and beneficient way to solve the government problem which is increase,automatically and relunctantly we will start to conserve energy eventhough we will sweat like shit in the me most singaporeans will rather do that than spending more werking time to earn just to pay the we all know that the price of natural gas never drops and everyone knows that natural resources are depleting.the bad thing about our country government system is that they love to educate our people by solving all the problems by means of money indirectly. Even to prevent corruption they willing to give higher salary with good benefits for your commitment to the country...sounds good but wait till you join the force..where you will work round the will come back to the same point like people working in the private sector..the diff is that you will have no voice in terms of their working lifestyle and system whether u like it or not unlike private u gt your say..the good thing is you will get ur respect not for your deeds as that is already your job but for sacrificing your whole lifetime into this job for a fixed pay and your whole body belongs to them.where they can triggerhappy use you to support anywhere shortfall in many willing to lose their time on this.if only the government realize that he is starting to lose faith,respect and commitment from its own countrymen.if this keeps on going trust me,our own local singaporean people will perished from its own land as singapore is taking an easy way out with the money that they we all know that money is the root of all evils that will make us forgt our roots and hardships that we face.the money will blind us without realising it.Deep down i know the ministers are starting to wake up when PAP lost one seat to the Workers party.singaporeans are much well educated and much have a stable income unlike last time whereby they will just nod the head watever the government impose to the people thinking that the government is educated and whatever he does will bring benefits to its people.that only happens in the beginning where singapore starting to built up after 1965 where govt was so good to earn the trust and commitments and the full support to make singapore stand without natural resources and wealth.Amazingly from its own local people singapore is where it is now.sadly if the government still think with the strong economy it has,he can buy the hearts of its people easily,i guess i will be worried staying in my own the quality and end product you get will be very good example is to compare the low paid old garang officers to the now educated and highly paid officers.old officers give total commitment to the government as they were really well taken care of that he has earn the respect from its generation officers i highly doubt so as most work for the money which is why i will be very worried.after earning enough money they will wholeheartedly leave the force with a smile instead of a sadface.slowly after that they will migrate.ever wonder how our generation can afford to take care of many children compare now.reason money.a neverending problem that singapore is facing now that has already make us immuned to the government system.the government has successfully set our mindset to a mode of work more to spend more paying on our bills instead of pampering ourselves.not even sparing our senior citizens for the contribution that they had given to singapore
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 20:10:45 +0000

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