After volunteering for 14 years I literally had to drag myself to - TopicsExpress


After volunteering for 14 years I literally had to drag myself to attend last night. I had left so disheartened last year that I didnt want to come this year. But I did. And thank God I did. The new venue is awesome! Had great company as usual with Flick Krzak and Danielle Fancellu to keep me sane. Lots of great entertainment, lots of laughs, great callers (as usual) and the venue was fantastic! The organizers did a fantastic job considering it was all new and they werent sure what to expect. I wasnt a fan of the green t-shirts when I first saw them, but they worked extremely well from a branding perspective all in all, so thumbs up there too. When we were in the original Chanel 7 studios, we used to be given sensational food, snacks, etc. We then moved to Etihad where were given doggy bags with a soggy sandwich, a piece of fruit and a tub of yoghurt that had sat out of the fridge for Lord only knows how long. The food last night was fantastic!!! I cant believe what a sensational spread it was.I personally couldnt eat any of it because I have specific dietary requirements; however I was still totally impressed. The service was fantastic from all the MCEC staff and everything worked beautifully considering that the Organizers deal with 10s of thousands of volunteers. Too many people are quick to winge about this or that. Unless you have organized an event on that scale you couldnt possibly understand what is involved to appreciate the success. I am so glad I attended despite my disappointment of last year. I am happy I ate humble pie and have reinforced in my head, I dont volunteer for the food, the venue, the entertainment, the celebrities or any of the other crap people complain about. I volunteer for the kids. Enjoy your Saturday and have a lovely Easter.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 23:12:29 +0000

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