Age 24 I waved, teary eyed and apprehensive, to my family at - TopicsExpress


Age 24 I waved, teary eyed and apprehensive, to my family at Manchester airport and boarded a plane to Nairobi to commence my African Adventure. After travelling 8 African countries on a truck, spending my birthday with Gorillas in Uganda, sleeping with wild animals in the Serengeti and Masai Mara, swimming with whale sharks in Mozambique and hitch hiking around Swaziland I decided i was ready for civilisation and embarked a 3 day journey to Australia, landing in Melbourne in Easter 2005 Within 4 days I had myself a job and sponsorship (thanks for that Rita Matthews) And so it began, the Australian chapter- Wow... Its been amazing, the things I have seen the experiences I have had and indeed those forgotten in a drunken haze! Most importantly the friends I have made. But its time... time to go back to my friends and family who I have spent too long missing! So nearly 10 years to the day that I waved goodbye I am coming home! Its gonna be hard to saying goodbye but this will be eased by the excitement of seeing the faces of those I miss. Let the new chapter begin... Cant wait to see you all in September xxxxxxxxxx and for those here in OZ watch this space for my closing ceremony plans ( likely date arvo of sat 16th august.)
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 09:15:35 +0000

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