Ah! I see the hope, and I am T_T. Exposed inside the ROC LY: A - TopicsExpress


Ah! I see the hope, and I am T_T. Exposed inside the ROC LY: A Scholar in Liberalism, A Practitioner in Authoritarianism! t.co/GAcIBGkRkP t.co/TPl2dqrfaf [NTU News E Forum] Student leader Chen Wei-ting speaks from Ketagalan Boulevard--in ENGLISH Student leader Chen Wei-Ting arrived around 4:30 at the main stage on Ketagalan Boulevard to speak to the demonstrators. He said that Occupying Parliament is now in its 13th day. The average age of students inside the Legislative Yuan is less than 25 years old, but they have to face all kinds of pressure, including from the media and the police. He said, the government on one side wants to have conversation, but on the other doesn’t respond directly. Students inside the Legislative Yuan asked him what would happen if not many people showed up at the March 30 protest. He admitted that he didn’t know what to say at the time, but he answered “Damn it, we’ll get people to come here!!”. He was moved by the number of people who showed up here today. Chen Wei-Ting repeated the demand for “legislation before review”, but Ma Ying-jeou’s press conference didn’t respond to this at all. He said that the monitoring mechanism cannot be a mere executive order, but must be passed through parliament, so that the people can participate in not just CSSTA and the future trade agreement on goods, but also any agreement with China in the future. Based on what the president said, CSSTA will only revert to the state before Chang Ching-chung’s infamous 30 seconds, and that the protestors will not accept such a negotiation. Also, Chen Wei-Ting questioned Ma Ying-jeou’s concern for the future of Taiwan, while at the same time obstructing actual participation by the people. He lambasted Ma for being more concerned about his own credibility, not that of Taiwan, and being worried only about his agreement with Beijing and his place in history. At the end, he led a chanting of the slogan, “Legislation before review”, saying that he intended for those inside the Presidential Palace behind the stage to hear. Noted attorney Lai Chung-chiang followed, coming on stage to tell the audience that this social movement has brought NGOs of all stripes to support the cause. The young people are those to thank for bringing about such a high standard for social activism. They not only made vocal their demands for representative democracy, but also questioned the blind pursuit for economic development. He also emphasized the core demands of “Legislation before review”, and loudly proclaimed, “Democracy starts with the anti-CSSTA movement.”
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 11:57:11 +0000

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