Alex (5) Shall we probe a little further into the domain of - TopicsExpress


Alex (5) Shall we probe a little further into the domain of xing-qi? Ok, here we go. a) The torso contains the biggest volume of qi, constituting the mainstream of the qi-flow, while that in the 4 limbs are tributaries. Hence, the qi in the hands can flow inward because the qi in the thorax can flow down while the qi at the vertex flows up (虚领顶劲) in diametrical connection with the down flowing qi(气沉丹田). The thorax-qi can flow down because qi from the waist can flow down to the feet, which are loosened upwards with the heels lifted from the ground, allowing the yin-qi to flow up. The qi in the hands can flow outwards spirally to the fingers because it is sustained by the qi from the thorax, which in turn is supported by the qi flowing up from the waist. The qi can move up because qi from the waist can flow down to the feet, (气根于脚)whereby the upper body can extend with the qi. The whole maneuver is motivated by the qi-movement in the waist (主宰于腰) b) Hence you should turn your attention to the waist and this is accompanied by the mind directing the qi of the hands to flow inward through the shoulders to the torso and down to the waist/abdomen while loosening the soles and the joints of the legs. The inward yi, the inward qi plus the inward breathing bring all the three to congregate in the waist/abdomen. The qi sinks from the thorax to the waist/abdomen like a thread and agitates the qi in the abdomen(腹内松静气腾然)thereby aiding the abdominal breathing(吐纳)。 c) The down flowing qi can form into a thread basically because it is pulled from both ends by the yi, like pulling a cocoon thread from both ends ( 抽丝). One end is fixed with the qi in the waist/abdomen and the other end could be any point, e.g. the vertex where the skin is let loose upwards with the qi (虚领顶劲) while the lower end of the thread is pulled down to the abdomen expediting the process of qi-sinking(气沉丹田) It is all the function of the yi, which can split in 2 opposite (yin-yang) directions to lead the up-flowing and down-flowing qi respectively. Do not move the body physically (体静)for xing-qi is yi working on the qi. Qi flows inside the body without fouling the bones and muscles (如庖丁之游刃有余)。 The qi thread pulled apart (by yi) gives rise to the extending jin . (运劲如抽丝) and jin is verifiable in tuishou. c) Now the abdominal qi is ready to propel the overall qi up and down to the 4 limbs without moving the body physically(静中触动)and this is done with an internal exhalation (吐,吐纳的吐)。 You keep mindful of the qi in the torso as you evenly flow the qi all over the body outward to the 4 limbs. (气遍身躯不稍滞)。Your soles will automatically be light if qi does flow. 6) a) Qi flows in 2 opposite directions linked in a cycle in an interactive manner. This is what we call the dual qi of yin and yang (that is how the art acquired the name of Taiji, the mother of yin-yang). What the mind directs is the yang qi while the yin-qi moves in opposite direction entirely on its own beyond our control. What we are concerned with is the qi directed by mind. If correctly done, the yin-qi will automatically be set into motion whether or not we notice it. Let loose the qi to let it flow like a car moving with the free gear. b) As such, when yang-qi flows outward, it is accompanied by an inward flowing qi of yin. When the yang-yi flows inward, it is accompanied by an outward flowing qi of yin. As such, the opposite element of yin-yang is harmonized in Tijiquan such that qi moving up is also qi moving down, up is down and down is up etc., and this is reflected in the movements of jin verifiable in tuishou. 7) It is all a matter of the yi (凡此皆是意) issuing the appropriate directives from within (不在外面)。A wrong directive or even a right one in a wrong order of precedence will result in an immediate halt of the qi-movement. (所谓知所先后,则近道矣) 8) Xing-qi is a complex system and many fail even to cross the very first hurdle, viz. the internalization of the mind. Yet, it is the orthodox way of practicing the art, as an internal system of martial art, as advocated by the Taiji Classics. Regrettably, it is vanishing.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 09:24:12 +0000

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