Alex Salmond: Meet the bully behind the mask The First Minister - TopicsExpress


Alex Salmond: Meet the bully behind the mask The First Minister tries to patronise a Telegraph political reporter with a bag of sweets while struggling to answer questions about a separate Scotlands finances. An example of precisely the sort of man Alex Salmond is and the arrogant manner in which he treats journalists who dare to ask him questions he won’t, or can’t, answer has been graphically displayed. Scotland’s First Minister has a bullying side to his temperament that has long been obvious to those of us who’ve watched him for years but that he’s managed mostly to hide from public gaze. No longer. In an astonishing display of pettiness on Wednesday which resulted from his inability to answer serious questions he decided to publicly insult and denigrate Ben Riley-Smith, this newspaper’s Scottish Political Reporter. Riley-Smith, a 27-year-old Cambridge graduate, has been following Salmond around the country during the referendum campaign and has been trying for days to get straight answers on issues such as what an independent Scotland would use for currency and how it would pay its bills. Instead of an answer, never mind a bit of respect for a reporter doing his job, Salmond began a deliberate campaign that sought to patronise Riley-Smith and thus devalue his ability in front of other journalists and, of course, the SNP leader’s ever-obsequious aides. He had promised – threatened would be a better word – to bring our reporter a bag of sweets to his next press ‘huddle’ in Kilmarnock and, for once, he was as good as his word. This is what happened: First Minister: I want everybody to witness this. It was a political promise and, as you know, we always keep our promises. He then handed over a pack of Liquorice Allsorts, adding: Ben, what can I say. I was going to get you the £2 pack but I dont want you looking like the way I use to look. Its the pound pack. Its [got] quite a few of the curly ones in there. Youll enjoy them, OK? Riley-Smith: And you dont think its condescending at all to give sweets to a junior reporter? First Minister: OK. At that Salmond took back the pack of sweets. But there then occurred a question-and-answer session during which Riley-Smith, first of all, asked if Goldman Sachs were right to issue a series of warnings about Salmond’s currency plans and a run on the Scottish banks. The First Minister disputed the reporter’s version of what they’d said and insisted that Goldman Sachs hadn’t given a corporate view, merely that of an individual. The report was written by Kevin Daly, the Wall Street bank’s chief UK economist. Mr Salmond said: “This is Goldman Sachs analysts who as we use to say, when I was about your age eating Liquorice allsorts, [were] teenage scribblers. “I presume its the analysts at Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs doesnt have a corporate position on that. Theres a difference. “Listen, Ben, if you write an article, right, youre a Daily Telegraph journalist. Its not necessarily the editorial policy of the Daily Telegraph …” Riley-Smith: So youre suggesting Goldman Sachs might have a different view from what the analysts said? FM: No. Well, look, Ill read the report but I imagine that this is Goldman Sachs analysts. And then of course, if you forgive me and I know you will, Ill probably read what theyve got to say and then if I want to comment on it Ill do that. After the question and answer session ended, Salmond again presented Riley-Smith with the sweets and said: “[Got] a wee fancy for Jelly Babies, son?, to which Riley- Smith said: It just seems a bit patronising First Minister, doesnt it? First Minister: Thats OK, Im perfectly happy to patronise you, Ben. [Laughs.] Theres no harm meant. Riley-Smith handed back the pack of sweets: I just think its a bit patronising, given Im just trying to be professional. First Minister: You mustnt get irritable. The incident was not the first occasion that Salmond has tried to patronise his way out of his difficulties. Last week he used the same technique with Faisal Islam, Sky News political editor, who had pressed him repeatedly about his plans for a Scottish currency. Trying desperately to shut down the question that its clear he cannot answer, he accused that experienced reporter of trying to impersonate Alistair Darling and sarcastically told him to “get with the debate, man.” The message now must be a simple one: Reporters don’t want your sweets, Mr Salmond. But the voters want answers.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 11:07:57 +0000

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