All my life I’ve been abused by liars, ganged up on by abusers, - TopicsExpress


All my life I’ve been abused by liars, ganged up on by abusers, blamed by those who were trying to stop me speaking the truth. When I was young this really affected me, crippled me with shame and low self esteem which was deeply painful. I see now that people who abuse those who are telling the truth are just moral cowards and being cowards, fear is what guides their behavior. I see they’re not exactly happy living in that state, nor comfortable, but to feel sorry for them would be like going into a monster’s cave, seeing this slimey blob of a greedy little beast, a corrupt, evil, self serving, full of lies, without conscience beast.... and seeing that the monster is creating a living hell on earth for itself through its own greed and evil, but is just too ignorant to see that. So I see now its they not me who was at fault, its those who lie and support evil and cruelty in the name of ‘‘normal’’ who should be ashamed of themselves. I also see very clearly that what they’ve been giving out is about to ricochet back onto them. Oh dear...are the Illuminati coming to get you? Ooh...are they enslaving your consciousness, filling your lives with fear and terror? Are they building FEMA camps to put you in and building their military police force and establishing their plan for mass genocide? Are they creating super soldiers who can torture and kill you without a second thought. Oh dear! Kind of like what you’ve been doing to the non I see the look on so many of their faces when I mention the devastating impact on the earth and the rise of a fascist regime who own the animal abuse industries, who grow more and more powerful with every purchase of a product which has harmed an animal. But they are so evil the look on their face says... ‘I don’t care...I’ll be dead by the time all that happens.’ They’re so sick, that they can not only torture animals and destroy the world as much as they can whilst they are here....but they know they are creating a global fascist regime for their own children and grandchildren to live in too and they just don’t care! All they care about is their own greed, comfort and conveniences. They look at you like ‘FU I can do what I like and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!‘ They look so damned smug as they think to themselves how little they care about the animals or what sort of world they’ll be creating with their selfishness because they’ll be long gone by then. What they’re too blind and stupid to see is there is no death, it will be them who comes back to life in another human or animal form, to experience the world they have created for themselves. If they never learn, if they continue down the path of evil and self serving, every single lifetime they live is going to get more and more difficult and agonizing for them. Not because some God decided they wanted to punish them. Its just the world they have created…the one that they deserve.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 18:10:36 +0000

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