All of the focus on the immigration problem and the activists, - TopicsExpress


All of the focus on the immigration problem and the activists, making the activists the bad guys is another Obama underhanded ploy. I have seen some signs that are in poor taste, such as “nobody wants you”, etc….that is not good. However, these people have a 1st Amendment right to gather. The activists is not the problem, though some are doing it in poor taste. The problem is the Federal Government is busing illegal immigrants into these states and communities to be processed. The Federal Government does not have the authority to bus anybody into communities. These people have a right to stand up and say no. This is just another ploy by the Obama administration. He is mad at Congress because they will not do immigration his way. He is doing this to create a crisis and public outrage to try to force their hand. I have heard reports that Federal Agents will arrive in these communities in riot gear in the next few days. They are going to force these communities to accept these immigrants with ‘force’ if necessary. It is nothing but typical liberal tactics to push their policies through without going through the appropriate procedures. Obama is mad at Congress. He is acting like a baby like he has for 6 years. This is nothing but a temper tantrum like a 2 year old throwing himself on his back and kicking his legs in the air because he cannot get his way.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 23:10:41 +0000

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