All of us today and through out we indeed are tight marking our - TopicsExpress


All of us today and through out we indeed are tight marking our President. “EN LOVIN IT working like bees to see him in the CHAIR as our President and therefore, every thing is working out for him but wisely however,where ever we are to throw our intellectual weight on him and call it •Every negative idea and attitude is defeated and all Ugandans work like bees we shall see him a winning champion come 2016• Its critical to be positive and understand us well• I urge all leaders of NRM show high regard to the revolution vow and follow the following patterns : [ *1 ] TO OUR PRESIDENT > I have heard and obeyed [*2] TO ALL OUR People : We are one created in tribes and sub tribes just to know each other • [*3] UNITY >Lets all pull one ROPE and enter ONE Bus to our successful destiny [ *4] Power in todays globalization is emanated from Powerful Business our Nation creates and graces our Presidents emphasis that creates the Need for BLOCKS such as East Africa ,COMESA [*5] Unity Clock : Love for all Hatred for None •••Empathize as you r e v o l u t i o n a l i z e [*6] Business and activity we must go global to trade with countries with emphasis of Value Addition while we respect our Presidents experience and commitment of our leaders to work while communicating through responsible channels •Communication is power and creates magnetism and fosters urge to perform thus a pillar of Government our President has seen it as a nucleus that must be feed and replenished daily •Our Stars in it overwhelm every body and Nations you are at making NRM brand stand up right •Thank you all of you pattern that way to push the NRM Message across• [*7] Our Great Cabinet •••To you we give you Loyalty and respect working 24/7 to promote innovation and exploits that will develop the Nation working with all Executives in a timely manner to eliminate Poverty through employment creation by creating powerful teams country wide•Ugandans are not plotted so lack it we need it after the Identity Card more soon than before. Eg John :Masaka plot : etc as other countries people are known by plots that years the family respects never runs out of it thus becoming collateral • *Protect Intellectual Property and Patent Rights and review all property rights from this a country becomes richer with views and detail that hold it• [*7] Emphasis on Protection of National Installations •Forensic Pathology Technology and related services •Continuous vigilance and training emphasis on rear Skills to help our country be secure through innovation and Technology and study closeness of successful countries Uganda to become a first country • [*8] Improving our human resource through education ,literacy,assessment and skilling thus making every body valued and through exploiting our resources with modern technology and mining more incomes can be got to enhance value in our people •Scholarship access and value addition for all National Services Labor Inspection and respect of a contract to working Nationals as we respect all employers leading to value and meaning while assisting who missed on skills as per new curriculum where possible get them and get even more valued in the region through giving them rare skills •We need more Ugandans in all possible positions here•in the region •for international labor markets because rare skills can salvage people where employment is not possible within but come back always when needed• While there is a unique hand over of all noted young intellectuals from Primary Schools to equipped schools and wonderfully turn around our country • [*7] Work on expanding mining •Sales for well negotiated monies worth all our raw materials after value addition we kick poverty out of Uganda as we invest in our first Car to pick ups to lorries to buses that need huge investment so we look out 10 years in advance need more money •
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:56:10 +0000

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