All public employees should be outraged by this scam. In 29 years - TopicsExpress


All public employees should be outraged by this scam. In 29 years of state government I can say with absolute certainty, there is no occupation in government that warrants a $225,000.00 tax payer salary. If the pension system is this corruptible than maybe it is time to rethink the whole idea of a pension. In addition to public shaming of this person, find the weasel who made the decision to hire them and hold them accountable too, that is the only way to stop this disgraceful abuse. She even had the audacity to get retro pay and Overtime philly/philly/news/new_jersey/40_NJ_state_part-time_temps_collect_6_million_a_year_.html
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:27:54 +0000

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