All you who enter into this game please heed these words, Not all - TopicsExpress


All you who enter into this game please heed these words, Not all instruction is relevant to you and your game. Let me explain my point. 1. Although the large majority of us on this list are bi-pedal, bi-symmetrical, hominid primates how we do things can vary a great deal. i.e. Im 56 and 185lbs. my squire Ryou is 65 and 245lbs. There are shots he throws that I just cant, and vice versa. If youre human, your mileage will vary consider that when youre being taught. 2. There is NO one True way short of hit the other guy with a telling blow before he hits you. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something, or impress you with their self assumed greatness or skill. Buyer beware. 3. There ARE systems of fighting that are excellent, but in the end how far you go in the game is totally dependent on you, your hard work, your drive, and how far you develop your skill. 4. If you say I cant, you wont plain and simple. This isnt easy. No one said it would be. If someone says it is see #2. 5. Just because you have a role of responsibility in this game, (i.e. Knight Marshal) doesnt instantly confer you with skill and ability beyond that of mortal men and women. You have a responsibility to administer, care for your constituents. If that means you teach, you teach what you know. If youre telling people this is the one true way you will be doing a disservice to the Society and to the people youre responsible to. If youre teaching people badly or worse yet techniques that are potentially injurious to them beyond the already heightened chance of injury in our game you are truly and profoundly hurting the SCA. Consider this a warning. 6. Much of this game is ego driven and skill relevant. If youre succeeding in the game due to higher than relative calibration (regional and kingdom level calibrations vary, but within any of our areas calibration is relatively consistent..). Do us all a favor, dont write combat checks that your skills cant cash. If youre numbing up someone will hurt you. Its not a threat, its an inevitability. Damage in this game is accumulative, even if you dont cheat. If you do, people will up their power to defeat you. Even if you dont take the shots, you will suffer the consequences. 7. There is room in this game for competitors of all levels. You work hard (or not) and strive (or not) and you compete. Not everyone is going to be a Duke, a knight, a master of arms or skilled. Some are just out there for the experience, some because its what their friends do and theyre in it for their friendship. This is a statement of history and fact. To deny this is folly. 8. You determine what is fun for you or not. If this isnt fun, dont do it. If you are a instructor who is a fun sponge and is driving people out of our game because of it, consider yourself on notice. If youre asking why I wrote this, its because a number of you have asked me personally about their negative experiences with SCA Heavy Combat. To ignore their questions and requests for help would be betraying trust and faith, its not right to do that. Thank You for your time and consideration. Yours in Service, Sir Tanaka Raiko, East.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 13:00:20 +0000

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