Aloha Kakou, FYI...I am providing you a sum-up of what took - TopicsExpress


Aloha Kakou, FYI...I am providing you a sum-up of what took place at the OHA meeting on May 29th, last Thursday, regarding the Kerry letter that never got answered but requested by the people to get HIS personal/legal answer to those four questions that CEO for OHA K. Crabbe sent to the Secretary of State, who handles such countries who have issues to be answered, by the ones in charge and that is Kerry who has to ask his legal counsels to research and advise him of his answers, to those four questions. It was intense in the morning, educational after lunch and better in the end, still 5 min. minimum to testify was unfair...they could have set it to an 8 hour hearing/meeting...which would give us 10 mins. to speak...we spoke for 5. On May 29, more than 100 supporters for changes came, signed up and spoke their minds...majority were for change/independence based on the true history of Hawaii, who said over and over again that they supported CEO K. Crabbes letter to Kerry with four questions...they want an answer from Kerry, who is responsible to hae his legal counsels investigate these questions and send back a letter answer those four questions. Mr. John Kerry HAS TO one else...that is the law. Many testifying want Kerry to respond...testimony after testimony sounded like a broken record, calling for the OHA trustees to do what is right based on the true history, laws and what we all can do, to further promote Independence as the best model for our, the work begins...only the best, brave and ballsy types will be a part of the planning committee...I want to be a part of it. Aloha Keakua...aloha na aumakua mai...aloha na poe o Hawaii nei and viewers in the streaming world and modalities...mahalo....My name is, Rita K. friends call me, Kawehi Kanui, is my other name I started to use since 1970s, when my brother went to prison on trumped up charges...for a crime he was not at...also,as one of the cousins to Princess Pauahi Paki, it is our responsibility to make in our practice of the corrections with her choices in life, during the period when Hawaii was an independent country, from her birth, to her meeting Chas. Reed Bishop to her the same time, more than 20 treaties were signed with our Kingdom government and other major countries in the world, during the 1800s...The US claims to have annexed Hawaii in 1897 through legally annexing Hawaii using protocols...NOT! As many have said, where is the treaty? There is none and everyone acts as if, the US cannot provide proof and can because they have all the guns, money and personnel? My reply? You are not the creator..., therefore Hawaii IS Not legal and the State of Hawaii should move out of the way... We have lots of work to do and research...we need to explore all issues eventually to see where it all lies, not leaving one stone determine, who can live, work and play in Hawaii...and based on what laws? There were five souls who stood and said they supported, the process and Kaniolowalu because they just want what the people want...The room was clearly divided; those with signs who supported the process and Kanaiolowalu all for weak reasons because it is baseless except that they want IT now! But, what is that? Is still to be seen...these ones should have been asked, why they supported the Roll process? Next time we will and there will be less supported then...that was evident, the pro-change and many called for independence based on the laws, situations happening today and, positive programs that needs to be funded to the, Independence Constitutional Convention. I believe the independents beat Kanaiolowalu, hands down... in terms of quality and calibre of knowledge as to the true history of Hawaii through the books and others with their experiences equaled with those together who held the masters and phds listed in their CV; the same time in our groups, family, community and self, we personally support the Kingdom of Hawaii, our true history and the truth...there were about six who testified in support, for Kanaiolowalu, but failed in their reasons why... to say that they want what is for their children to happen now, not later...there was not venue for rebuttle/questions time...if there were, it would not be seemingly...shady as it was reality there are only two entities who have the legal and lawful rights to call for and participate in an independent constitutional convention attended by the Hawaiians with one drop Hawaiian and the nationals who can prove that they are descendants to those who were loyal to the Kingdom of Hawaiis principles, constitutions and treaty laws to strengthen relationships all over the world, today for an odd way, this was the idea since 1800s It was a very interesting day and very educational for sure...glaringly missing were John Waihee III...says many things? Word to the wise? When in doubt, stay home? If John cannot attend an important meeting as this, then he should not be a trustee. Peter Apo was there part of the time, seething and seemed uninterested in sitting there listening to our testimonies...Keanu Sai was not there, but there were many of his students there to speak on his behalf...who showed their love for Hawaii in their own way...Rowena Akaka, went MIA after lunch...many laughed at the trustees because they do not even know their history? There were five supporters who testified in suppor for the process and for Kanaiolowalu, three of them, staff for the Kanaiolowalu side...shows the desperation of the Roll Commission, when at home...however, true as each speaker being Hawaiian has the right to speak up, but there was not way to ask questions of the opposition...we would like to make that available now...there were many who challenged the way OHA supposed to be neutral as a little shady... because only one entity was funded...we call for full funding for those who supports independence...and will be worlked out at the constitutional convention where questions can be asked and confirmed. The majority, including the handicap population had its representative, Michael to represent them and those who support change in our relationship with the world. Change We tribute to all Na Kupuna....Kings, Queens, Princess (es) Kahuna, Makaainana, Lawaia, Mahiai and many nationals in the physical and spiritual world in todays time, in Hawaii...we seek your manaoiopono and spiritual strength to protect us from evil in all of its forms and us to recognize them and correct them immediately, without hurting anyone...done with aloha...our closing statement. Mahalo, Kawehi
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:57:43 +0000

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