Alright here is an all out post diss to the NFL right now. First - TopicsExpress


Alright here is an all out post diss to the NFL right now. First off this offseason two known players got suspended. Josh Gordon got suspended for marijuana use and Ray Rice got suspended for assaulting/beating up his wife. Now the Nfl when it comes to punishments is all about sending messages. Ive done lots of research on marijuana I had to do it for my final project for one of my classes. Anyways yes marijuana will ruin your lack of motivation if you do it on a consistent basis and also smoking is harmful to your lungs but not as bad as the legal cigarettes you can get at any store obviously. It is becoming more and more acceptable. Legal for recreational use in two states, and medically legal in 13 now. Now domestic violence, obviously not acceptable at all. Riddle me this. How come a guy who failed his UA gets suspended for a year and a guy who beats the hell out of his wife gets suspended two games? If the NFL is all about conveying messages from my understanding of this. They are making it seem like it is more acceptable to beat the hell out of your wife/girlfriend than even just trying pot once. I think that the nfl needs to rethink everything and I think the commissioner Roger Goodell who issued these suspensions is a pile of shit. Thats all I have to say.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:34:01 +0000

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