Alright, lets really talk about the goals this time, briefly at - TopicsExpress


Alright, lets really talk about the goals this time, briefly at least. 1) We want to create a small, isolated township and make it as self sufficient as possible, while still being fully aware of the rest of the world. Just not participating in it quite so much as one has to out here in it. 2) Were very serious about self sufficiency. Water is the first, rather easy step. The second is shelter. Once we have water, we will each need a place to call home. None of this communal building bunkhouse bullshit. Build a house for you and your family, or get out. Food production is another big one, but its a hard one. We all want it done, but other goals make it a hell of a lot easier, like having electricity, and a local fuel production facility. Machinery can be purchased, as much as the purist in me wants to build tractors, the realist knows how much time and how many tools that takes. Machines are a one time purchase, until they break. Fuel to run them is a constant need, and local supply is a must. Fortunately its a fairly easy need to meet via ethanol, methane, or biologically derived diesel alternatives. With fuel and electricity, food becomes a hell of a lot simpler. 3) Speaking of shelter, this is our first petty demand. No above grade construction. The whole of the freehold is to be underground. This leaves more space for crops, cuts down on maintenance and weather related concerns substantially, costs less, and keeps everything out of sight, so we can all enjoy a nice view of both nature and our progress, instead of the back of my house. Another advantage to this is that we plan on the freehold being some place... cold. Also, snowy. A network of tunnels between subsurface structures is a lot easier to keep clear in the winter than paths. Many people think subsurface or underground means living in a cave. If you hold this opinion, and find this turning you off from the Freehold, well, look into the actual facts. Were going for a hillside village here, so theres plenty of room for south facing windows and skylights. I personally plan to go with an underground dome, which is a shockingly cheap way to get a huge amount of square footage that costs effectively nothing to heat and cool. Thats not an exaggeration, think under a hundred bucks in heating, a year, in the far north. Incidentally these domes are rated to survive a nuclear blast, and built by several companies that specialize in doing so. At least one of them warranties their domes for 200+ years. Sounds pretty good doesnt it? Furthermore, underground houses are really, really hard to burn down. Since we wont be having a fire department, this is a big deal. To clarify, goal three: Everybody lives underground. 4) Security is everyones responsibility, not the police. For one thing, we wont have any town taxes to pay police, or for their gear. For another, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. For a third, I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy. Really though, we wont have any police. You have to defend yourself. Yes, the rest of the freehold should be willing to help, but if you arent willing to defend yourself, why the hell should I be willing to defend you, you worthless lazy coward? Have a gun, know how to use it, and know when to use it, and thus when not to. Theres more to security than being armed, but its a start, and this is an overview post. 5) Home schooling of any children. Remember when I said property taxes, and how that meant no cops, or firemen? It means no teachers too. Get over it, or get the hell out. You bring kids into the freehold, you, and no one else, is responsible for their education, and you had best believe that you are responsible for it. The Freehold is still in the USA, the USA still demands kids be educated, and if you dont do it, I personally will think youre such a worthless sack of garbage Ill call the authorities myself, because I think kids should be educated myself, rather more strongly than the government seems to actually. Thats part of why I want home schooling. It produces much, much better results than the educational system if the parents are at all trying. Theres a lot of reasons for that, which I might get into another post, not here. 6) No public structures, buildings, monuments, etc. Again, no taxes means no money for this sort of abject idiocy. You want a statue? great. You pay for it. There wont be any of the sort of confiscation for the sake of public vanity you see so much of these days. OK, Those are at least most the big, abstract goals. Im pulling the nuts and bolts out of this post, and making another, because otherwise this will be... long.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 06:16:18 +0000

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