Also, want to share this letter to a friend recently diagnosed - TopicsExpress


Also, want to share this letter to a friend recently diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer... Dear [Friend], Thank you for your message! I was sitting here at my computer thinking how hard it is to decide where to start. Mostly, I just want you to know, to be aware, that there is another alternative to what your oncologist will have to offer. Anyway… so I’m sitting here trying to figure out where to start and this lyric pops into my head and gets stuck there -- “there are two paths you can go by”. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what song it was from, so, naturally, I had to Google it. “If theres a bustle in your hedgerow, dont be alarmed now, Its just a spring clean for the May Queen. Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run Theres still time to change the road youre on…” … from “Stairway to Heaven”, of course. I LOVE living in California. But, I also love having grown up back east. We had four seasons back there. The leaves would start falling off the trees and, despite how beautiful the colors were, I’d start getting depressed. Winters in Buffalo seemed to last forever. The snow was pretty and fun, but most winters there really wasn’t that much snow. Things were brown and bare, the sky was mostly gray, and I just sat around thinking, “Is Spring ever gonna get here?!!”… Funny thing, though, every year it DID come back! We got to start living all over. The “May Queen” symbolizes (my interpretation) whatever it is that rules over our springtimes… our new beginnings. Our bodies are amazing things. The cells in our tissues and organs are continually regenerating themselves. A few years back, I was walking the bike path with my son Erik, drinking a beer with him and having a philosophical discussion (he had recently broken up with a girlfriend he’d had for a couple years). He told me, “Hey, Dad, did you know that all the tissues in our bodies regenerate themselves in, at most, seven years?! That means seven years from now, we will be totally different people than we are now!!” Dr. Max Gerson, who cured cancer in “terminally ill” cancer patients using principally 13 fresh juices each hour of the day and 4 or 5 organic coffee enemas throughout the day, had said it takes the liver (only) two years to totally rebuild itself. Truly amazing, I think… Before I get back to you on some more specifics on the Budwig Protocol, I want to share a short interview with the “Curing-Cancer-Gently” Guy, Bill Anderson. I love how in this interview he talks about what cancer is and our immune systems… https://youtube/watch?v=zHSNTmxTBXw This morning I hit on a couple really good links on Budwig that I hadn’t seen before -- I am still learning!! I woke up thinking about Edgar Cayce (the “Sleeping Prophet” who would put himself in a trance and start spouting off ways to cure people’s specific diseases) and how Edgar Cayce had recommend the use of “castor oil packs” in hundreds of various cases. I wanted to know if Budwig had something similar. This first link is written by a Canadian, so, of course, with her, she has to relate everything to hockey… https://truthbreakdown.wordpress/tag/eldi-oil/ This second link is written by someone in India and has nothing at all to do with hockey, but has some very good instruction in it... Whatever “path” you decide to go down, my thoughts and my prayers will be with you!! Your Old Neighbor, Tim
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 17:07:33 +0000

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