Although his birthday isnt until tomorrow I wanted to post today - TopicsExpress


Although his birthday isnt until tomorrow I wanted to post today as I will be traveling... To the greatest man I have ever known, my Great Grandfater Melvin Lee Barrow. I am proud the carry on the tradition of the name Lee on his behalf. He was a man of honor, dignity, respect, morality and had more drive and determination than any person I have met in my lifetime. Grandpa would sit on the porch with me from the time I was old enough to walk till the year he past talking, teaching and sharing his words of wisdom to me. I loved listening to him speak on life and how people should treat each other. He loved life, people (so much he waived at every car that past on the busy street he lived on almost every evening with the biggest smile) and he loved my grandmother more than anything in this world. He was a christian man. A man who not only believed in the word, but he did his best to live by it daily. He was a man with a 8th grade education who worked in the oilfield as a drilling hand into his late 60s with never a single complaint. He would leave each morning with his sack lunch and dressed to the T in his overalls that grandma would iron each day. He would tell me, the first thing people see is your clothes its not how much they are worth, but how well you care for them that they notice, so son no matter what you wear in life, wear it with pride. To this day I cannot put on a wrinkled item of clothing...its a pride thing. Moreover its respect for the man who molded me. One of my favorite things about my grandfather was his love for my grandmother. Until is last day, she never opened a door. They worked together in the garden and sat with each other on the porch laughing and loving a very simple life all while giving everything they had to their family. I learned more things from this man than I could possible put into words, but the greatest gift he left me with is the memory of his smile and the knowledge of his love for me. I love you grandpa and I miss you everyday. But you know sitting up there at Gods right side that I am being the man you wanted me to be each and everyday to the best of my ability! You would be proud of the beautiful family I share my life with and they miss you too. Oh and one last; you would love knowing that I finally met some cool wrestlers like Triple H - WWE Universe, Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Kaitlyn - WWE (wrestling only came on on Friday nights back then, but he never missed a night). Never stop treating your wife like you bride. ~ Melvin Lee Barrow
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:57:40 +0000

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