Although the big word on the left is compassion, the big agenda on - TopicsExpress


Although the big word on the left is compassion, the big agenda on the left is dependency. Thomas Sowell Our dependency makes slaves out of us, especially if this dependency is a dependency of our self-esteem. If you need encouragement, praise, pats on the back from everybody, then you make everybody your judge. Fritz Perls For that again, is what all manner of religion essentially is: childish dependency. Albert Ellis High Romanticism shows you nature in all its harsh and lovely metamorphoses. Flood, fire and quake fling us back to the primal struggle for survival and reveal our gross dependency on mammoth, still mysterious forces. Camille Paglia The only way to save a rhinoceros is to save the environment in which it lives, because theres a mutual dependency between it and millions of other species of both animals and plants. David Attenborough We must promote upward mobility, starting with solutions that speak to our broken education system, broken immigration policy, and broken safety-net programs that foster dependency instead of helping people get back on their feet. Paul Ryan On the one hand we have got to ask, are there some areas of universal benefits that are no longer affordable? But on the other hand let us look at the issue of dependency where we have trapped people in poverty through the extent of welfare that they have. David Cameron In Europe first and now in America, elected men have taken it upon themselves to indebt their people to create an atmosphere of dependency. And why? For their own selfish need to increase their own personal power. Pope Francis
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 14:38:27 +0000

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