Always remember to hand the cashier your scan card. Always - TopicsExpress


Always remember to hand the cashier your scan card. Always remember to hand the cashier your scan card. I forgot, on a quick visit to S&S just now. I was just running in to grab the makings for dinner and my keys were in my purse at the bottom of the carriage. I said to the cashier, before she started my order, Can I hand you my card to scan toward the end of my order? Its currently buried. Sure thing!, she replied. My ADD kicked in as we got to talking. VERY nice cashier who was super quick. I had a cart full of groceries and she was bagging as fast as she was ringing. She bagged four things to every single one item I managed to get in a bag. I was so busy complimenting her speed and accuracy (because its important to compliment when things work well at our local grocery store...), I failed to hand her my scan card by the end of my order. Totally my fault. Except that every single item I bought was on sale. Cart full of groceries. Ugh. She tells me my total, and I swipe my debit card. As soon as the transaction was finished I realized the total had seemed pretty high, as Im holding my darn keys in my hand, with the scan card attached! OOOoooh! I said. I totally spaced on having you scan my card. Ill just go over to the courtesy desk and ask them to fix that... She said, Im so sorry! I should have reminded you! (No she shouldnt have. It was just me, spacing out. She was super sweet.) Yeah. I should have remembered the first time... I was credited $84.00 in sale items that Id purchased. EIGHTY FOUR DOLLARS! And, I almost totally forgot. Doh! Always remember to hand the cashier your scan card. Always remember to hand the cashier your scan card. ;-)
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:08:17 +0000

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