Am going through changes, In life people treat you like a - TopicsExpress


Am going through changes, In life people treat you like a gum, Pick u up chew you up then spit you out, It hurts your heart aches real bad; you can hear it beats heavily beats like a drum, Sorrow engulfs you, pain becomes overbearing, Its deafening starts affecting your hearing, Tomorrow, is there any tomorrow, you may think the negative, Thinking maybe you can’t confide in no one, not even a relative, Trust becomes a word in the past something you do no more, All you see are people out to hurt you, tear u a part and leave you soar, Distorted, so your heart seems, With problems so unimaginable, your mind start telling you what to deem, Believing the worse, Believing maybe it’s a curse, Every last person on earth becomes an adversary, Your soul sinks, sinks deep think of only evil all manner of immorality, Feel like you are in a psychological warfare, And whoever is up against you allow them to druthers with you, it isn’t fair Your pain gets the better of you, But you not giving up, It’s just not good enough, To know that no one knows the pain you are going through, You don’t think they care; your self-esteem, your health keeps declining, The truth you’re denying, Keep talking to yourself, No one wants to listen maybe you’re going crazy, Is it jus that you are too self-righteous or maybe you’re jus too lazy? Too lazy to figure out the cause of your problems, Put and end to it or maybe try to resolve them, Stop making the pain giving you an excuse, Those who wish to be there for you, you start to seclude, You can’t keep living that way, Pick yourself up brush yourself off and make it a better day, Look to the future Shoot for the stars, Look back at who you were and who you now are, Know what you are living for, Life is too precious, pain is not made to be endure, What is to be will be, Don’t look back live everyday with glee, Trust in God and make a path for yourself, Life is amazing don’t waste it declining your health. By Maurice Sawyers.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 14:30:57 +0000

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