Aman Poddar happy friendhip day to a friend or i must say to a - TopicsExpress


Aman Poddar happy friendhip day to a friend or i must say to a brother(even more)..... thanku for making my lyf so happy by becoming a part of it.. you r d oldest friend of mine for 18-19 yrs... thanku for all d good deeds u did fr me.... for making me laugh nd for all ways being there wid me whenever i was upset and giving stupid advices, i would never b able to forget the fight we used to do... i still cherish dose moments we spend together nd dose memories will never fade.. Vyom Dixit a brother from another mother...i still remeber d first tym we met when u gave me lift till jagran collg. nd den we kept on meeting on ur fav adda near sachan guest house...;) slowly slowly d friendship became stronger nd stronger wid passing tym. we did maths coah together.... nd u became a part of my lyf... all dose fun nd masti we all used to do when d three idiots u me and aman used to hang around on a bike or scooty... d way u guys used to scare my telling dose stupid horror stories nd incidence nd den calling late night nd scare me more.... d night calls u did for sharing ur sorrows honestly brought tears into my eyes when u used to cry on phone... thanku fr listening to my probs as well nd dat moment when u were ready to hit a person fr my sake coz i got physcly hurt coz him (i hope u remember) will never erase from my memory....:) nd yes dare if u snatch my phn to look fr sme1s pic....:D Anup Singh my brother what to say about you..? a brother of mine here in bhopal... our first conversation started in BME lab frst sem... tab socha ni tha ki yeah dosti itni strong ho jayegi.... and today m so lucky to have you as my younger brother now our (neta). dat ghumna phirna from lake view to movie.. long byk ride during rains.. d most funniest incidence of ours while ravelling from bhopal to kanpur during diwali breaks.. bunking classes together searching for your fav chola bhatura... putting blames on each other for cancelling ny progm of ours :D are some of the joyable moment of mine wid u.... Akshay Agarwal thanku balli for being my brother... u r d best guy a person could have as a frnd. a friend wid whom i used to go home sharing rickshaw by purposely missing school bus. . Aman Agarwal bhai tera toh kya kehna yaar dono sculs mai mere saath rha although hum ek hi class mai the from 1st but r friendshp bond grew stronger from 11th till date nd will continue till d end of my lyf . Mohits SaHu again my oldest friend from play group till date. thanku fr being my friend.. nd will never forget dat power punch of urs... still scared of it...:D Anmol Dixit a very naughty friend CHOTU.... going to coah together nd doing all sought of mischievious activities.. a fun loving guy who can bring smile on ones face.. delhi chowmein, krishna sweets, narsingh corner d victims of our mischievious tasks.... Akshita Gupta a very cute friend of mine... and will remain my frnd till rest of my lyf... a very trust worthy frnd..... Bittu Kumar a very sweet friend wid whom u can can share all sought of ur problem... love you brother... u r d gem of my lyf... d purest soul amongst all d ppl i came across... thanku for making me your friend.. nd yes ill keep disturbing you every tym i need advice or a good novel to read....;) Ashish Singh a very busy friend nw an earning man too.. surrounded by grls all d tym.... who is alwys dere to give advise if ask fr... d masti we did durning school trips even after will always b remebered by me..... your best dialogue woh sab behn hai meri :D... spare some tym fr us also.... Srirupa Ansari my teacher , my best friebd, my wyf tooo....;) a person wid whom i can share all my feelings nd secrets... a very koool person one can ever have in their lyf... and m lucky to have you dere by my side.... Pankaj Arya Gaurav Shrivastava Anshu Ashish Sumit Nayak Shekhar Dubey the best room partner i can ever have....... last but not the least... Nishant Gaurav Shrivastava Amod Kumar Manish Rai d best friends of my hostel lyf love you guys..... HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY TO ALL OF U...... LOVE OU GUYS
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 11:10:33 +0000

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