America. Love it or leave it. Facebook is a SOCIAL NETWORKING - TopicsExpress


America. Love it or leave it. Facebook is a SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE. I personally like to post love for my wife, my Queen. Even when we (were/are) seperated we are still married and ALWAYS WILL BE. Love is forever. Marriage is til death. ISUGGEST MY HATERS read I Corinthians 13 that was IN our wedding if they are ignorant to what love is. We ( wife and I ) are NOT ignorant to this. I adore the woman God gave me and will die (someday) still trying to show THE WORLD how deep is my love. Apparently MUCH deeper than any hater has ever experienced. HeNCE their hating on me. Ive made miatakes. Have you? WHATSA MATTER NOBODY LOVE you nuff to forgive or..? In a nutshell . I could begrudge. Stoop to their levels. But I wont. Regardless the depth of anyones bitterness. Yes I do love. Two sides folks. TO EVERY STORY. LET ME BE CLEAR. I love. Forgive. (Even peeps who hate on me. Hell ESPECIALLY my haters. Love them all and forgivem) Love again. I pray (noT just FOR HATERS) that everyone realizes whats important before its to late. There are way to many innocents involved and life is way to short to be talking Trash where trash doesnt belong. I say, and always will, that I cherish you deeply madly Micole and everything youve shown me. I look forward to making u smile until we advance to Gods home with our love..and beyond. Cuz Its FOREVER. Always has been. Loveya fbook. My friends or not. If u read this. Guess what? I love you. Good night now.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 23:07:15 +0000

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